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The trait of children who could be adult psychopaths

A new study suggests that there is a way to know if children could grow up and become adult psychopaths through identification a particular personality trait. With This feature could predict whether children will be adult psychopaths According to research led by University College London, if your child tends not to laugh when others do, then runs a higher risk of becoming in psychopath when I grow up. Although lead study author Essi Viding, a professor at UCL, clarified that it is not appropriate to label psychopaths , he says who know that there are certain children who are at greater risk of developing psychopathy. One of the signs to identify psychopathy, which can only develop specifically in adulthood, is the lack of empathy , that is the ability to understand and share the emotions of others at a Intuitive level. To discover if this lack of empathy can be detected in young children from 11 to 16 years old, the team of psychologists recruited 62 of them with dis

WATCH OUT! 5 Sexually transmitted diseases

Throughout human history, sexually transmitted diseases have taken a very important place despite being silenced.With the arrival of HIV have taken protective measures that have contributed to the containment of many other infections that, although not as serious, have to be controlled for health damage they cause.They are usually infectious diseases that are transmitted-with exceptions-by having sexual contact and in some cases they can be epidemic . CAUTION! 5 Sexually transmitted diseases 1.Gonorrhea According to statistics, in the United States, it is the second most common disease.The cause is a bacteria called gonococcus .Its main symptom is the exudate of a liquid yellowish by the urethra . It can also affect the rectum, the pharynx and conjunctive mucous membranes.It is detected with a very rapid test and does not disappear, if proper treatment is not applied. 2.Sifilis The guilty bacteria is called "treponema pallidum" and w

How long is love?

How long does love last? The eternal question of those who are in love.Does love last for a lifetime? Does it last 2, 4, 7 years? How long does love last for us? According to anthropologist Helen Fisher love comes to last for some 4 years .Just that first period of infatuation in which the sexual attraction is very important and in which at the end, touching the 4 years, there is offspring., then, in the second phase which is the carino , in which together we raise and educate, and in which that initial sensation fades away.Finally, comes the desire for separation.And, According to this anthropologist, this process is natural, since our organism cannot bear for a long time the ferris wheel of sensations that we feel, due to the chemistry that is generated when we fall in love : the high levels of dopamine, testosterone and norepinephrine that our brain secretes.That is why they have an expiration date: between 1 and 4 years! Researchers at the University of Pisa al

5 great inventions made by women

It may seem that women have been for centuries away from the great ideas that make the world progress, but is not like that .In Science Daily Online we have already seen how women have actively collaborated in this development, and this time we bring you 5 great inventions made by women that we believe will surprise you. 5 great inventions made by women 1.The Monopoly The Monopoly, the board game par excellence, that has gathered environment at a table for several generations, he was devised by a woman: Lizzie Magie in 1903 .Lizzie patented it in 1904 with the name "The Landlord's Game".With the intention to teach the economist's thesis Henry George .A few years later, Charles Darrow made a version of Atlantic C ity, which I call Monopoly, to try to sell it to Parker Brothers, which I finally got. In the legal investigations for a litigation that the toy company kept with the creator of the Anti-Monopoly, it was discovered that really the

The fearsome and unknown failure of Cascadia

The failure of Cascadia may not be as well known as the San Andres fault, but the truth is that it can be as or more lethal than the latter.It is estimated that it can cause earthquakes above 9 degrees and tsunamis that devastate the coast, as happened in 2011 in Japan. The fearsome and unknown failure of Cascadia The Cascadia fault is located off the northwest coast of the United States.It is an underwater fault that has an approximate length of 1,100 km.It covers from the province of the British Columbia to Northern California. The Cascadia fault is not as well known as that of San Andres, perhaps this is because it has not been active in relatively recent years.In fact, according to a study of coastal sediments, pu do establish that the last mega-earthquake that generated this fault occurred in 1700 . This submarine fault is in the well-known Pacific Fire Belt , place in which 90% of the earthquakes in the world occur.In addition, several researchers have estima

The language of cats, do you know how to interpret it?

Cats are some fun and great pets , some friends and unique companions that never stop surprise us with their mohines and a thousand ways to get our attention or look around any corner of the house.Living with our cats reveals their personality, behavior and how they express themselves to communicate with us.Researchers have made numerous studies on the behavior of cats and have concluded that, far from being cold or uncommunicative animals, cats are as expressive as dogs . How cats communicate with us The research of the University of California has highlighted c Like many of the cat's behaviors, they are misunderstood by their owners.So, cats don't always purr when they're happy, they also do it when they're hurt or sick. Purring would mean a request for care and honey. Another way to get our attention is also to rub against our legs to greeting mode when we return home.Researchers have noted that it is a common behavior among wild cats and is a kind

Why do bananas grow up?

Once in Science Daily Online we talk about the plants with huge leaves, this time we want to clear the curious question of why bananas grow upwards? A tree that caused fascination The Arabs and the Greeks baptized it as an extraordinary fruit tree and in the year 327 BC, Alexander the Great and his army found it in India.The truth is that banana is a giant herb from the same lilac family, but have you ever wondered why bananas grow up? Continue reading this article and we will tell you all the secrets of this wonderful fruit. The origins According to the story, the wise people who inhabited India rested in their shadow and fed with its fruit.That is why they named it the fruit of the wise .But how do I get to other continents? The answer is that people who engaged in trade in Arabia moved the roots of the banana or banana to the east coast of Africa.Alli was discovered by the Portuguese that took her to the Canary Islands where they owned their settlements. The

Do you believe in the "Law of Attraction"?

Attracting love, money, luck...Do you think it is possible? Books like "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, highlight a reality that has become fashionable again in recent years.It is quite possible that you have already heard of the "law of the attraction », and although it is true that the subject is not new and that is nourished by the« echo » of many principles of Hinduism or theosophy, it is an aspect that seems to motivate or At least interest many people. To think that nothing happens by chance, and that in the universe there are forces that we are all part of, is something common in many cultures .However, with the "Law of Attraction" we go one step further to prioritize that thought capable of attracting what we want. Within this approach, we must make it clear that we are not talking about "Magic" but of energy , of a magnetic power capable of attracting equal forces.If I "think positive ", if I focus my attention on getting

10 characteristics of successful people

Success is not measured by how bulky the bank account is, but by the impact of your actions, by the passion you print to what is your life engine and by the degree of satisfaction you get with the conquest of your goals.All without losing your essence or moral values, much less disrespecting others. Successful people are characterized by believing in themselves, knowing exactly what they want and their determination at the time of going after it.In Science Daily Online we tell you some traits of successful people who may inspire you to go for more. 10 characteristics of successful people Successful people they also give up If, as incongruous as it may seem at first glance, successful people give up, but in the face of what does not work for them in the course of pursuing their dreams. In Ultimately, if it is necessary to recognize that something did not work and that they must start from scratch, they will do it, because within them is the conviction that this way they will

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

If when you are with a group of people, mosquitoes only bite you and not others, surely you have wondered what you have done to have such bad luck.Science explains it to you! Popular legend says that mosquitoes bite people with the sweetest blood , but this has nothing to do with reality.Mosquitoes bite some people more than others by different causes. Carbon dioxide According to a study published by Nature, mosquitoes have olfactory cells called CPA neurons , which are capable of detecting the amount of carbon dioxide we emit, one of the main factors that they take into account when selecting their victims. A human being generates every day around of a kilogram of CO2 , and every time you exhale, about 13 times per minute, it produces more than one hundred milligrams, although the exact amount depends on the metabolism, diet and physical exercise performed by the person in question. For mosquitoes, a greater amount of carbon dioxide means that there is a lot of fresh