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Eckhard Hess, the expert on the "mysteries" of the pupils

Eckhard Hess was not only an expert in biology, psychology and ophthalmology.His deep interest in the relationship between our eyes and emotions, made him delve into a subject that until then, no one had too much. Although in the nineteenth century a part of science was interested in aspects as curious as the last imprint or image that remains in our pupil when he dies, Ekhard, was interested early in pupillary psychology and the mysteries that underlie it. It is a subject without a doubt interesting and that we want to explain to you, although it is very possible that more than one aspect is already known to you.It is possible to say that many of the data that we have on pupils today, we owe this German student undoubtedly that he arrived in the United States when he was very young and that, in 1943, he amazed psychologists and scientists with his amazing works. Eckhard Hess, the expert in pupil mysteries as Eckhard Hess died in 1986 after having offered science several stu

Robert Ballard and the Titanic Search

After the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912, the great ship rested at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for more than 70 years before its remains were found.On September 1, 1985, a French American joint expedition, led by the famous American oceanographer Robert Ballard , found the Titanic more than two kilometers below the surface of the ocean by using a submersible Unmanned called Argo. This discovery gave new meaning to the sinking of the Titanic and inspired new dreams of ocean exploration. Want to know more about this interesting history? I keep telling you... The sinking of the Titanic Only three days after sailing, the Titanic crashed into an iceberg at 11:40 a.m.on April 14 from 1912, somewhere in the North Atlantic.Although the ship took two and a half hours to sink, the vast majority of the crew and passengers perished due to a significant lack of lifeboats and improper use of those that existed. People from all over the world were surprised when they lear

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What is the Great Attractor that is pulling our galaxy?

Hi Science Daily Online ! Before reading the article we would like you to know a new way to discover our curious world, through Youtube ! We have a channel that we would love to be part of.You can subscribe and meet him here-> YouTube Science Daily Online! About four decades ago, astronomers realized that our galaxy, the Milky Way, moved through space at a much faster speed than expected.At 2.2 million kilometers per hour , the speed of the Milky Way through the Cosmos is 2,500 times faster than a cruise passenger plane and 55 times faster than Earth's escape velocity.But this movement comes from a mysterious and great attractor. What is the Great Attractor that is pulling our galaxy? The net movement can arise from nearby clusters in the distribution of matter , as a massive cluster of galaxies.The additional gravitational attraction of this group of galaxies can be delayed, and even reversed, according to the expansion of the Universe in its vicinity. But there

D.B. Cooper, the amazing unsolved riddle of the FBI

There is a case that has always brought the FBI upside down.Surely filed in the section "impossible unsolved cases" , the name of DB Cooper stands as one of the most challenging characters of the twentieth century, capable of mobilizing a country and the most sensationalist press. Mr.DBCooper had the audacity to hijack in 1971, a plane , the Northwest, which made the journey between Portland and Seattle.The purpose? Take 200,000 dollars .A feat that he achieved, but there is one aspect that led to the fame of this unique character: he fled in flight.Open the plane's tailgate and parachuted, in the middle of a night of rain and fog. Do you want to know what happened next? The unsolved mystery of DB Cooper According to the descriptions, Dan Cooper had about 45 years old, he wore black raincoat, loafers and a dark suit.He knew very well what he wanted and how he should get it.After the Boeing 727-100 took off, I give a note to the flight attendant, " I h

Myrtle Corbin, the four-legged girl from Texas

Josephene Myrtle Corbin was first and foremost, a brave woman who fulfilled each and every one of her dreams, but history may remember her name only for being that four-legged girl on display in fairs and theaters, she whom all Texas wanted to see in person to know if it was true that there was a girl with a doll face that had two hips, four legs and four feet. And yes, it was real.Josephene suffered what at that time was classified as "teratology", that is, a congenital anomaly in which, during his development in the womb, his other siamese brother did not develop at all, remaining in his body a pelvis of more. But Josephene Myrtle Corbin was born strong, married, had 5 children and was always very aware that despite his appearance and limitations, he could get the maximum to life like any other person. Does anyone doubt it? Let us know today in Science Daily Online the history of this woman. Myrtle Corbin, the girl with four legs of Texas Josephene Myrtl

Are dogs or cats smarter?

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Maria Sibylla Merian | One of the first naturalists in history

Nowadays women fill the classrooms of the universities and they are not prevented from demonstrating their worth by absurd social prejudices.However, the struggle to achieve this milestone has taken centuries.Since Juliana Morell got her doctorate in law at the beginning of the 16th century, more than 400 years had to pass before women could access higher education with some normality; however, some women managed to stand out in various specialties despite the impediments that the Imposing patriarchal society.One of them was Maria Sibylla Merian, one of the first naturalists in history and the first entomologist .Thanks to her the world knew that caterpillar and butterfly were two life cycles of it creature. Maria Sibylla Merian, naturalist and entomologist entomology is the science that studies insects.Insects constitute more than two thirds of all known species of the world and more than 1.2 million of them have been described. Maria Sibylla was a naturalist, scientific il

North Pole and South Pole: 7 differences to know

At first glance, they may seem the same, but if we look in detail we will find differences that make them unique.The North Pole and South Pole represent the extremes of the planet we inhabit, those that suffer the most from global warming and those that have a unique beauty. In Science Daily Online we tell you 7 differences that you should know about the opposites of the Earth . North Pole and South Pole: 7 differences to know 1.Between Contains and oceans The North Pole is surrounded by sea and land , a part of the northernmost part of America and Europe are within the Arctic region.In contrast, The South has nothing but the waters of the Antartico Ocean , thick ice sheets and temperatures so low that some places do not melt during the summer.As a reference, the closest it is to southern Chile and Argentina. 2.With and without population Having more land around it and "bearable" temperatures, in e l North there are more people, flora and fauna, even Santa Clau

What is considered normal sexual activity?

If we are sure of something today about what is normal and that not in sexuality, we cannot be sure of anything.In the last 50 years of the last millennium there was a real sexual revolution, that I profoundly modified our perception of this space of intimacy in which we are closely related to others. Since then, surveys and statistics about sex and what is considered normal sexual activity abound, such as those Then we comment. What is considered a normal sexual activity? Is there a normal sexual activity? Surely not, it is influenced by the different cultures that make up humanity, varies according to age and sexual preferences.However, there are some constants, such as not considering the sexual impulse so absolutely dominant and present in the lives of all people.Today it is estimated that in all societies there is a small percentage, between 0.4% and 1% in which sexual desire does not exist.In recent years This portion of the population has decided to organize and be no