The navel is nothing more than our first scar, if, as you read, the navel is formed by the scar tissue that protrudes from the umbilical cord, which attached you to the placenta in your mother's womb and served to feed you and breathe during your pregnancy. Once the umbilical cord was cut, the munon that fell behind fell and the navel was left.Having made that clear: Why touching your belly button gives that rare sensation?
Touching your belly button: why does this strange sensation cause us?
It turns out that the belly button is connected to the fibers that lead to the spinal cord at that level It also transmits information from the bladder and urethra to your brain.That is why when you touch your belly button, you are stimulating these same areas.
By digging into the navel in some way you're cheating on your brain to think it's receiving signals from other places, imitating the sense of need of urinating or tingling in the groin.
Deep, behind the navel, everything is covered by the parietal peritoneum, a very sensitive structure and whose sensory nerve fibers go to the spinal cord and whose nerves they send the sensation about the bladder and the urethra to the brain. However, in order for this "false information" to be transmitted, you have to touch the "end of the navel", because only slightly inserting the finger in the navel does not It will produce the same sensation.
In order for this sensation to be described by many as "strange", you must sink your finger with a moderate force in the cavity, since, otherwise, when only is pressed on the skin around your belly button, it does not produce the same sensation, because it is not hitting the deepest fibers behind the muscular layer.
As you have seen if there is a scientific explanation behind that strange sensation we have when we touch our navel.
Even so, with strange sensation or not, the navel is a very sensitive part of our body , and a vivid reminder of the old connection we had with our mothers, even from the womb.Besides that, it is the center of our body and, although, a specific function is not known, it is important to take care of it and dedicate attention to their hygiene, since it can harbor germs that if not taken into account can cause infections.
Regarding the navel you would also like to know that there are different types and there is one that stands out Among the rest for being peculiar: the navels left.What you may not imagine is that there are very few people who have it that way.In fact, it is estimated that approximately only 10% of the population has the navel left. Curious! Right?
Have you also experienced that strange sensation when you squeeze your belly button? Now you know that it is because you send signals about your urethra and bladder to the brain.And, by the way, how is your belly button? Do you belong to 10% of the one we talked to you about?>
Why does this Venus have the second toe so long? It is NOT the only one.Do you have it too?
Images: Tumisu; elementus
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