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The dilemma of showers: day or night, cold or hot

If you are from one of those countries where the water supply is neither continuous nor reliable this article is not for you, you should shower, wash and do everything when the water arrives and before it leaves again, and maybe you should be interested in those that have to do with climate change; but if you are one of the lucky ones, you will find here some tips that could be useful to you.

Day or night shower

There are no clear rules or rules at what time of day you should shower, As the advice may vary according to your skin type, the type of activity you do, your mood and day to day.If you are dirty or heated, it is advisable to take a shower as soon as possible, regardless time of day.

The dilemma of showers: day or night, cold or hot

A clean shower, refreshes, relaxes and in certain situations heals.You also wake up, and therefore, if you are a heavy sleeper and it is very difficult to activate in the morning , you are a good candidate for a morning shower, but if you are one of those who come home loaded with the stresses of the day and have a hard time relaxing before bedtime, you may have to opt for the night shower.

Are you oily skin? The skin tends to produce more fat during the night, so you should opt for the spring bath.Do you have dry skin? Then, the night shower suits you to clean and refresh the skin.

The dilemma of showers: day or night, cold or hot

Evaluate your body and your activities and so you will know what the best time for the shower is.What some dermatologists suggest is not to opt for both options: showering twice a day, because it can dry out the skin and eliminate bacteria that are beneficial to the body, but even that is a relative tip: if you do activities that make you dirty or contaminate, or live in a tropical country, it is likely that you should shower more than once.

Cold or hot water

We discard the environmental influence from the outset: it is obvious that if you live in a cold place you will shower with warm water or hot, and that a hot climate will make you look for the enjoyment of fresh water.Both baths have their benefits, and as in the case of schedules, you should only listen to your body.

Advantages of the hot bath : it opens the pores and thus helps in a better cleaning of the body; it reduces blood pressure, which can relieve headaches and contributes to relaxation; the steam decongests you and in general the hot water helps you relax and prepare for a good sleep.

Advantages of cold water : it tends to produce a physical and mental shock effect, waking up the body and the mood; stimulates circulation, causing blood to reach all muscles; stimulate your immune system and nerve endings, providing you with energy; improves the appearance of the skin and hair, promotes the elimination of toxins and helps maintain weight.

The dilemma of showers: day or night, cold or hot

It is clear, if you explore social networks, favoritism for cold showers is evident, but that does not prevent our body from regularly asking us for a hot shower, and that we enjoy it regardless of the time of day.

And you, what kind of showers do you prefer? Tell us and if you want to know why we sing in the shower, click here.

Images: Arian Zwegers , Steven Depolo , The Comicbook Crimefighter , Wylie Fisher


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