In nature there are many animals that attract our attention for their curious behaviors.We are amazed and sometimes we are horrified by situations that are biologically determined, but that are incomprehensible to us.The praying mantis and its action after mating is one of them.In this article we want to approach another very special mantis: The Orchid Mantis.Discover 10 Curiosities of this beautiful killer.
The mantles, popularly known as "mantis" are an order of neopteric insects that has more than 2,450 species.They live all over the planet, but preferably in tropical areas.One of its main characteristics is the ease of camouflaging or mimicking in the environment in which they live.In the case of the Mantis Orquidea , it takes a shape and color similar to that of these plants, but does not live only among them, but camouflages itself between different types of flowers.
10 Curiosities of the Orchid Mantis
1.The Orchid Mantis belongs to a group of mantis that mimics flowers and are part of the « Hymenopodidae family ».Its main feature is aggressive mimicry, which means that they are predators that camouflage themselves with colors and patterns to attract their prey.Their technical name is "Hymenopus coronatus", although it is also known as "Malay orchid mantis" or "Pink orchid mantis" . p>
2.The habitat of these curious creatures are the rain forests of Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand or Sumatra.
3 Its usual food is the prey that it gets camouflaged as a flower.It usually eats small insects such as flies, crickets, fruit mosquitoes, beetles, bees and even those of the same species of smaller size.They can also eat small lizards or toads However, it not only consumes animals, but one of the curiosities that characterize it is that it can also feed on ripe bananas and is the only species of praying mantis that eats them.
4.To blend in, the body of the mantis, brightly colored, manages to resemble an orchid.This is what helps her to camouflage between the flowers favoring that it can attack its prey.The four legs that it uses to walk are very similar to the petals of the orchids and instead, the front ones, which are jagged, have the function of grabbing their prey.
5.The body of the orchid mantis is so similar to that of a flower that the insect goes up and down the branches from the plants until you find one that has flowers among which you can camouflage.When you find the right place, you take the branches with the back legs and swing from one side to the other like any flower measured by the wind.his body has a small black spot at the end of his abdomen that is confused by flies with one of his own species and for that reason they approach quietly to be, immediately followed, devoured by the mantis.
6.Hymenopus coronatus has one of the largest sexual dimorphisms among all mantis species.In general, females are larger than males, but in the case of the orchid mantis the difference between one and the other is very pronounced, so that one sex is half the size of the other.Mid females in 7 to 8 cm.and males between 3 and 4 cm.In general, it has been observed that female mantis eat males especially in captivity since they obtain the nutrients they need for their offspring.83% of mantis males are not consumed by their sexual partners.
7.The camouflage of this peculiar insect has a double purpose.On the one hand it is a way of aggressive mimicry with which attracting their prey and on the other is a way to deceive their predators.
8.There is an urban legend that says that the mantis are dangerous.It is not true.The mantis are aggressive and the orchid mantis too, but neither they bite nor are they poisonous.In some countries they even eat them and in others they are considered sacred animals due to their posture in which it seems they are praying.
9.The life expectancy of a mantis is between eight months and one year.The nymphs, in order not to be depredated, before developing are orange and black to resemble the insects of the Reduviidae family (to which they belong the bed bugs) and they have an unpleasant taste, in addition to a powerful bite.When they move, they take the white and pink colors that will resemble orchid flowers, although both light and moisture will influence their final color.
10.The Mantis Orquidea and many other floral mantises are very popular as pets, but there seems to be some difficulty in getting them to reproduce in captivity and they are very expensive.
The orchid mantis has a very behavior similar to other mantis, but it has the peculiarity of its beauty.Do you know this curious insect? Do you have more information about it? Share it with us and so we can expand this list of curiosities.If you want to meet other extraordinary-looking animals, we invite you to read:
Images: Luc Viatour, Raffi Kojian, Sara Bea Delgado
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