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The rare condition of elephantiasis

If I tell you that there is a disease called elephantiasis surely you will end up thinking that, by name, something will have to do with elephants.Well, no, we will not talk about people with a tube in the nose or ears, but it's just as curious, maybe even more.

Lymphatic filariasis, a rare disease

Elephantiasis is also called lymphatic filariasis and is a disease that especially affects the genitals and lower extremities.More specifically it is an inflammatory process caused by parasites or bacteria such as spirochetes or treponemas and that is transmitted through mosquito bites.

The rare condition of elephantiasis

And what causes this sting? For the size of the genitals to grow in such a way that the affected people cannot even walk.Incredible!

Bacteria very common in tropical countries

Generally, the bacteria that cause elephantiasis are common in tropical countries and people suffering from this disease usually end up with serious bone malformations due to inflammation that occurs in the body.

Elephantiasis is usually manifests in adulthood although the infection usually contracts in childhood.At maturity, individuals suffering from the disease end up with a permanent disability and really shocking deformations.

The rare condition of elephantiasis

Brothers with elephantiasis (Philippines, 1985)

The countries most affected by elephantiasis are Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria or the Republi Democratic Republic of Congo.

Image SantiMB.Photos, AFPMB


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