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Jules Verne and the "Fog Society"

Julio Verne. His books are the example of a visionary who knew how to mix science and adventure like nobody else, the fantastic thing with the limits of probability.Incredible journeys, engineering out of his time...We have all grown up with his readings playing with traveling aboard the Nautilus, meeting Captain Nemo, discovering the sources of the Nile or traveling to the Moon.

But what if we told you that maybe many of the Verne's ideas were taken from a secret society to which he belonged? There is a lot of literature involving the mythical figure of Jules Verne, an avant-garde man who is considered, along with HG Wells, father of science fiction and whose past leaves us with many puzzles.

The Secret Fog Society

The Fog Society was founded in the 16th century by Sebastien Griphe, but without much repercussion.It was not until the arrival of the 19th century , when it emerged again in the shadows with enough impact among certain groups of intellectuals.For many years this group was as discreet as it was secret, being reduced to very exclusive circles of the society of the time.

Jules Verne and the

So what Looking for this society? The labels that define it are not new to us at all.They valued art, literature, science and, of course, the principles of Freemasonry.They also followed the guidelines of the Rosa-Cruces and one of their main purposes was that of study a book as unique as it is enigmatic: Polifilo's dream, a work of 1499, printed by Aldo Manucio in Venice .

It is a book written in Latin, Greek, some of Hebrew, also Lombard and ancient languages ​​of difficult translation.Its author was a Francesco Colonna and in it the curious relationship between Polifilo and Polia was described.A book of slight erotic connotations, endowed with a certain aura esoteric It is considered one of the most curious books of the Renaissance, a work that captivated several intellectuals of that time and, especially, French writers of the nineteenth century who composed the "Society of the fog" .

It was not only his texts that started the interest of all these wise men and writers of the time, the mystery was also hidden in many of the illustrations in the book of Polifilo.So much so, that many paintings.Sculptures and even building facades reproduce some of those images, as is the case with the walls of the cloister of the University of Salamanca. Another example of this, are many of the romantic gardens of Versailles , Bomarzo in Italy or Aranjuez in Spain.

Verne, the most unknown of men

The data we are offering you comes from a work of Michel Lamy , entitled "Jules Verne, initie et initiateur (1984)." This is where He speaks of his membership in this group also known as Sociedad Angelica , but his most common term was " Fog ".But why this specific word? You will wonder.Fog, it is a word that the Freemasons associate with the Universal Principle or original chaos from which the Principle of Truth arises.You would like to know that Alejandro Dumas, the painter, was also included in this secret group Delacroix, Gaston Lerroux, Gerard de Nerval, Maurice Leblanc or George Sand.

Jules Verne and the

There are many clues that Verne left us in his books about his presence in this society.An example of this we see in" The return to world in 80 days ».Who has not read it in some occasion being a child? Have you ever wondered where the curious name of Phileas Fogg came from? Well, now is the time to find out.Our distinguished English gentleman who loves punctuality, shared the etymological equivalent of Poliphilo (Phileas=Poliphilo, the title of the famous book they studied in this secret group).

Also, the ending "eas" in Greek means 'everything' and It is equivalent to «Poly».And what can we say about his last name Fogg? You already know that in English it means "fog." So, somehow, there are many who translate the name of Phileas Fogg as "'son of the fog." Interesting, isn't it? And there's more.Remember the club to which this character belongs, the Reform Club .Initials perhaps of the word Rosicrucian? Surely.

For many, it was precisely the Fog Society who influenced him with many of his revolutionary ideas or, possibly, it was Verne himself who left his mark on that society by translating the famous book "Polifilo's dream" and unraveling many of its mysteries.Be that as it may, we still don't know everything about the enigmatic figure of Jules Verne, since as he himself said: " was the most unknown of men «.

Image: thierry ehrmann, Gita Rau, Miguel Hortolano


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