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The corpse-smelling plant

In Science Daily Online we have already talked about strange plants like the one that makes acidic and bitter flavors sweet, but this time the properties of the plant we are going to to talk they are not so "pretty".Learn with us a little more about one of the plants more curious and exotic of the planet:

The Amorphophallus Titanum

What makes the Amorphophallus Titanum plant so special is its flower .This flower has 3 main features surprising and curious that attract everyone's attention and create around them great expectation:

1.The flower of this plant reeks of dead

This Intense foul smell helps attract insects .This smell can be perceived by insects from over 20 km away, it is such a horrible smell that people can only endure a few few minutes near of this plant.

The corpse-smelling plant

The insects when approaching the plant they think they are facing a decaying corpse and perch on it to lay their eggs , the Amorphophallus Titanum gets with it be pollinated .Normally in the few botanic gardens in which this exotic species is raised, the pollination of the plant is not allowed, since if the plant is achieved it gets the fruit and within a few hours it dies.

2.It's giant

It not only smells terribly, but it is very big on top, but very large, it can measure more than two and a half meters and weigh up to 25 Kg.

A delight of the gardens.

3.It has a phallus shape

As you can see the shape of this plant reminds that of a phallus and just from there comes its name «Amorphophalus».

The corpse-smelling plant

As if this were not enough this plant blooms only four times over the 40 years you usually live and is only a few hours flowered , therefore every time this happens is an event.

We assure you that between the size it has and the smell it gives off you would not like to have this plant in a pot in your house. 128512 ;

If you liked this article, you might want to discover some plants with huge leaves.

Images: Adventures at Kew, Marcio Ca Bral de Moura, Keoki Seu, Lorna.


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