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10 terrifying facts about the Megalodon you MUST know

Perhaps to a lesser extent than dinosaurs, the megalodon is part of the animals that the human being did not know, but they still cause us fear and fascination.In recent years this animal has acquired some relevance thanks to the cinema and television channels dedicated to science fiction, so maybe you should know these 10 facts about the Megalodon that we offer you in Science Daily Online.

10 IMPACTANTS data about the Megalodon that you dare to discover?

1.The megalodon is the biggest shark that has news .Although some experts think that there could be 25 meter specimens , the consensus is that it could reach a length of about 18 meters, which is still larger than the whale shark.

10 terrifying facts about the Megalodon you MUST know

2.The baby of a megalodon po day being of the size of a white shark.And, in fact, the penis of a male megalodon was the size of a white shark .
3.This giant roamed the seas ancient for 28 million years until just over 2 million years ago, and although hominids had already occurred, homo sapiens had not yet emerged, that is, we, who have only 200,000 years acting as the maximum predators of the planet.

10 terrifying facts about the Megalodon you MUST know

4.Paleontologists consider him as the most powerful predator in history and one of the most cunning hunters.Large whale fossil remains, one of megalodon's favorite prey, show that he focused his attacks on the fins, to immobilize them, and on the vertebrae, to damage vital organs.It is believed that their hunting tactics were superior to that of the white shark.
5.It is believed that it fed on everything that moved underwater: large and small whales, dolphins, porpoises, fish of various sizes, sharks of other species and possibly had a cannibalistic behavior , that is, who attacked less favored members of their own species.

10 terrifying facts about the Megalodon you MUST know

6.Megalodon fossils have been found all over the world, even in areas far from the sea, indicating that it was present in all oceans, in higher in the food chain.It is believed that adults were looking for areas where there was an abundance of whales, while young people remained in less populated areas.
7.This is perhaps one of the data on the Megalodon that creepier to us: I had a bite so powerful that I could crush a car without problems l.It was developed by Stephen Wroe of the University of New South Wales (Australia).He developed a computer model to compare the bite of the white shark with that of the megalodon and these were the results: the force of the first bite would be about 4,000 pounds (1,800 kilograms), while that of the megalodon must have been between 24,000 and 40,000 pounds (10,900 to 18,000 kilograms).
8.During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the fossilized megalodon teeth found in different places in Europe and Asia fed the beliefs in dragons and giant snakes .The first to refute these ideas was the Danish naturalist Nicolaus Steno, who in 1667 asserted that they were fossil teeth of a giant shark .
10 terrifying facts about the Megalodon you MUST know
Fossilized megalodon tooth
9.Fossil teeth of a megalodon can reach up to 180 mm and constitute the most abundant type of fossil of this species because, like its contemporaries, this shark had a cartilaginous bone structure, and only remains of its upper vertebrae and petrified teeth have been found.
10. Why did the megalodon become extinct?
There are 3 theories about it: the first points to the cooling of ocean waters , which could affect these beings who preferred warm waters; the second considers that there was a great decrease in Megalodon food , leading to its extinction; and the third, which has less support, suggests that they became extinct due to the appearance of a smaller, but smarter, predator the killer whales .Perhaps it was a mortal combination of the three.
If you are interested in knowing these facts about the Megalodon, discover the sea snakes, a real myth?
Images: Wikipedia, Stormblast2008


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