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The curious "vampire deer" of Afghanistan

Deer with vampire teeth? You might think we are playing a joke on you, or that we want to talk to you about a spermic hybrid like those curious but endearing crosses that often occur in zoos like that of the famous "ceburro" that we already talked about in Science Daily Online.
But thinking about the union between a vampire and a deer is something strange, from there, that we should Accept their authenticity.The "vampire deer" EXIST and are a marvel of nature.And we have to emphasize with capital letters the word "exist" because until recently, they were thought to be extinct.It is not like that, hence we want to talk about them today, about these magnificent animals that fortune has wanted to continue to remain among us.A second chance that we must seize.

The vampire fawn, an exceptional being

This cervix from Afghanistan, or Kashmir musk deer (Moschus cupre us), lives in the most renowned forests of this country as a legendary creature that seeks privacy and, as an impossible being, we had considered extinct, however, for once it is not bad news that we receive in As for endangered species, the vampire deer remains in its habitat and, although there are very few specimens that biologists have observed, it is not ruled out that there are more and that, therefore, we must do the impossible to maintain their survival.
You can check the fabulous news in the "Journal Oryx", something that has pleased all those who had among their favorite creatures that deer with shocking vampire teeth.But is it true that they need them because they drink blood? Do they have anything to do with the real vampires ? Not at all.These eye-catching fangs are nothing more than a nuance inherited from their cousins, from those deer that look fabulous antlers that serve to fight each other in breeding seasons.In the case of vampire deer the same thing happens, it's a nuance typical of the males with whom they can compete with each other for females.Romantic, but at the same time not as poetic as we thought when we saw those sharp fangs.

The curious

If you wonder why that these striking animals are disappearing, we have only to remember the place of the planet in which they live: Afghanistan. It is very complicated to protect this area and to put a regulation that prohibits its hunting, given the convulsive nuance that breathe this territory.We also can not ignore the fact of the peculiarity of these animals.It is terrible to think that and that their odorifera glands be used in traditional medicine and that in the past they would kill numerous specimens to obtain a kilo of this gland, which was paid to $ 45,000. A tragedy at which it is difficult to set limits and for which many think that, perhaps, it would have been better not to "declare" that the vampire deer has not yet died out.

The curious

The only hope is that conservation organizations continue to be strong, and have the collaboration of local authorities to stop poaching.Vampire deer are a natural heritage of Afghanistan and also of all of us and, as such, we must do our best to defend them.
If you liked this article, do not miss that of «the 5 most curious animals on the pla net ».


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