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Hypnagogic hallucinations: between wakefulness and sleep. Does it happen to you?

Sleeping, sounding, waking up...are activities that we carry out daily but that involve a much greater complexity than it seems at first glance.In Science Daily Online we have talked about sleep disorders and some phenomena that occur to many people while they sleep as Shaking or spasms before falling asleep.On this occasion we have approached another of these trances that can occur when we go to sleep, are the Hypnagogic hallucinations: between wakefulness and sleep.Does it happen to you?

Hypnagogic hallucinations

The hypnagogic hallucinations are those that occur little before the dream begins. They can be visual, auditory and/or tactile .The name was cradled by Alfred Maury (1817-1892), a French physician and academic who made deep studies on the dream in the 19th century, to talk about a situation that occurs at the time of the transition between wakefulness and sleep. The pa Labra hypnagogica/o comes from Greek and is composed of «hupnos» (dream) and «agogos» (induce).

Hypnagogic hallucinations: between wakefulness and sleep. Does it happen to you?

In the first phase of the dream, the hypnagogic state occurs.In the our consciousness is diminished , situated in what is known as a "threshold of consciousness," but our senses , although muffled, can continue to function .People suffering from these hypnagogic hallucinations explain their experience as something tremendously distressing since it is very difficult to distinguish them from reality .The sensation is that you are fully awake, but against you cannot move your limbs because when you start the dream, without realizing it, our brain has sent the signal to the medulla to disconnect the movement of the extremities .It is not unusual to wake up in this hypnagogic state and for a few seconds feel that it is impossible to move the body Fortunately, the state reverses almost immediately.

Hypnagogic hallucinations: between wakefulness and sleep. Does it happen to you?

They are much more frequent in children between 6 and 15 years old , although some people drag them into adulthood. visual and auditory are the most common and usually have in most cases origin in experiences of the most immediate vigil, although in other cases they are very colorful experiences visually and without relation to anything known, which increases the sensation of living an extrasensory experience .The auditory ones range from faint noises to explosions, being two of the most common hallucinations the hearing hearing the name itself or hearing how the doorbell rings .

For many scientists, the existence of this state of hypnagogic hallucination is what is at the base of many supernatural experiences , including ghost appearances or extraterrestrial abductions .People who have gone through one of those experiences As you are terrified, they explain that they cannot move, but if they hear or see perfectly what is happening, and they feel that «someone» prevents them from movement and speech .These sensations are those in hypnagogic hallucinations, hence it is thought that both phenomena are related.

Hypnagogic hallucinations: between wakefulness and sleep. Does it happen to you?

The opposite of hypnagogic hallucination is the hypnopompic hallucination , which is the one that occurs just before waking up, between the dream and the vigil .Has it ever happened to you? Share your experience with us!

If you have been interested in this post, you may want to know another trance that may occur in this hypnagogic state :

-Sleep paralysis: Your worst nightmare


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