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5 Curiosities of the Diamonds that will surprise you

Diamonds are one of the most precious minerals worldwide, not only thanks to their superlative characteristics, but also because of the magic and meaning that over time has been built around them.they were recognized and mined for the first time 3,000 years ago in India, although there are conjectures that extend this fact until 6,000 years ago.However, the uses that have been given to this gemstone have been varying throughout the years , as well as the information we have available.Therefore, in Science Daily Online we believe that this object of admiration, beauty and desire can still continue to surprise us with curiosities that until now we did not know.We will tell you about it below!

5 Curiosities of the Diamonds that will surprise you

1.The diamond is the best stone for the engagement ring

5 Curiosities of the Diamonds that will surprise you

The tradition of the engagement ring, symbol of an eternal union, is well known, and precisely for this reason it is that the diamond is the most suitable gemstone to the time to give or receive one.In addition to its solid characteristics, the word "diamond" comes from the Greek term "adamos", which means indestructible, invincible, thus, the precious loose diamonds embedded in the alliances become the metaphor more elevated for an unwavering love that lasts a lifetime.

2.Diamonds are no longer the hardest substance on Earth

This is one of the curiosities of diamonds that may surprise you the most, since it has always been taken for granted that they are the hardest substance on Earth Although this information needs a nuance that can change everything.While it is true that diamonds are the hardest natural substance in our world, in 2005 a team of physicists created a substance known as "Hyperdiamonds", which have a hardness 11% higher than that of natural diamond.

3.The oldest use of diamond has nothing to do with jewels

Although it seems that diamonds have been used in jewelry since times Unforgettable, the truth is that several studies show that its first use had little to do with jewels as we understand them today.It is argued that the Chinese civilization of about 4,500 years ago used diamonds to polish their precious axes, reason by which they got a finish of mirror.

4.Diamonds can be produced from tequila

5 Curiosities of the Diamonds that will surprise you

Yes, as you read: diamonds are not found only in mining deposits.In 2008, three Mexican researchers discovered that from the heated steam of white tequila, with 40% of alcohol, precious gems of nanometric size could be generated: the closest thing to diamond dust.The explanation is in the proportion of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon that makes up the tequila, necessary ingredients for obtaining diamonds.

5.A diamond of the size of the Moon in the constellation of Centaur

In 2004 the astronomer Travis Metcalfe of the Harvard Astrophysics Center discovered the largest diamond in the universe 50 light years from Earth, in the constellation of Centaur.It is the heart of a star similar to the Sun that, when it stops shining losing its energy, it was compressed into a very dense mass of carbon.This moon-sized diamond, which can weigh a billion trillion trillion carats, has been given Lucy's name in honor of the song from The Beatles, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

We hope you found these curiosities of diamonds interesting and that you have learned new data that you did not know until today.What do you think about this material? beautiful? Would you like to get one? We encourage you to continue feeding your supercurious appetite with the rest of our articles and, you know, if you have any proposal on which you would like to discover new knowledge, do not hesitate to tell us!


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