The traditional Chinese medicine and in general the oriental has considered the liquor or snake wine an effective remedy for many diseases.According to the Chinese tradition served to cure the rheumatism, it will increase the virility , as restorative or simply to help in hair loss .
And they don't just put snakes in their liquors or in the rice wine, but they introduce them into their gastronomy due to these properties of which we have spoken.The most popular is the snake soup , which in addition to the above contains many other ingredients to make it more tasty.In extreme cases you drink in the form of "shot" snake blood mixed with alcohol.The "bartender" cuts the snake's head and pours its blood into a glass that has previously filled with liquor.
How is snake wine made?
The ingredient s are simple, a bottle with some kind of liquor , the most common is rice wine and a snake .
The bug is introduced, even alive , in the bottle and leave it for about three months, so that the healing properties of the serpent pass into the alcohol and the poison disappears.
The danger
What is the danger? The danger is that sometimes despite the three months after the snake has not died .If, as you read it, it does not die, it is quite unusual, but it happens.opening the bottle can wake up and bite you .It is believed that this may be due to the fact that it is an animal that hibernates.It would pass this time in a state of hibernation until, irritated upon being awakened, it would of a woman in 2013 in Heilongjiang, China, who took the bottle was bit in one hand by the snake that contained the bottle.
Currently, in all the Southeast Asia , you can find bottles with snakes and all kinds of bugs inside .What was a recipe of traditional Chinese medicine has become a tourist attraction.
They go to the markets to buy the liquors and even see how the snake is gutted to pour their blood into a glass or put it alive in the bottle, according to the majority of experts , all the alterations that you may feel after the wine intake will be more due to the effects of alcohol than for something else.
After the story, would you be able to drink liquor or snake wine? If you are interested in knowing more about the Asian giant, you may want to know the floating cities of China.
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