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Is it a zebra or is it a donkey? No, it's a "ceburro"

No, it is not a pun.The birth of this beautiful zeburro is the result of a hybrid cross between a zebra and a donkey. As often happens with zebras and donkeys , creating unique and sympathetic zebrasans that raise so much expectation among animal lovers.
This curious phenomenon has recently originated in a small Crimean zoo, where apparently some species coexist quietly with the others, until in the end nature has played with chance to create a new tenant whom they have called «Telegraph» .If the purpose of zoos is precisely to conserve all species at risk of extinction, it seems that biology has taken a step further to offer us this little gift: the ceburro.

Ceburro.The sympathetic hybrid of the zoo

The ceburro born in Crimea has received the original name of «Telegraph» in honor of a newspaper of l country .As you can see in the picture his whole body is reminiscent of that of a donkey, but its legs are painted with the typical strokes of a zebra.A precious nature that, unfortunately, can not reproduce when I become an adult.This is what usually happens with these curious hybrids, as is the case with mules (crosses between donkeys and horses).
Is it a zebra or is it a donkey? No, it's a
Image of the little zebrasno with his mother
Telegraph is the star of the Zoo, nobody can deny it.The main attraction they are looking for large and small, and what has made it increase the collection of this small installation of Crimea exponentially.Although this kind of thing do not like biologists and veterinarians too much .These crosses never occur in larger zoos and with more control over species They never allow animals from different families to join together, hence the case of this ceburro has not been received with much joy.They do not consider it at all as something "normal."
But those responsible from the Crimean zoo they have received Telegrafo with the greatest congratulations.Moreover, according to what they say, the mother of the animal was already alone for a long time, without mating with other males of her kind.That is why they decided to put her next to other he wouldn't die of sadness.and then when a true love story arose with an attractive ass , who courted her immediately.
Another case has occurred in recent months in Mexico.Again in a Small zoo, where they offer total freedom to the species, and again...a zebrasno.The truth is that it does not matter that these species are not very natural and that they result in sterile animals.They are healthy and happy creatures, curious animals endowed with a unique beauty, as is the case with ligres .Do you know what it is? They are wonderful animals, the result of the crossing between a male lion and a tigress. They are the largest cats in nature.

Is it a zebra or is it a donkey? No, it's a

Image: Tracy


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