When it comes to a job interview, you can have the best resume, the best personal presentation and even the best answers to the questions you are asked, but something that we don't usually give much importance to are gestures and expressions that you use and that can reveal a lot of you .If you are very nervous, pay attention to what you should avoid, if you want to be more likely to win that position you are looking for.
Are you very nervous? So you could be sabotaging yourself in an interview.
Consciously and unconsciously, we all have repetitive, negative or positive behaviors that speak our way of being even if we don't realize it.
Put your eyes blank, fiddle with your rings, touch your hair, wrinkle your forehead, blow your knuckles...are just some of the gestures that both in daily life and in a job interview They can play us good and bad passes.
Lack of eye contact for example, can communicate that you are not trustworthy and have your feet crossed, That you are insecure.
One way to be fully aware of your expressions and gestures is to record yourself while you speak and prepare the interview. What do you see? What shouldn't you do and what looks natural? Once you know your peculiarities, the result of nervousness, it is time to start correcting those that may harm you.
If you are very nervous before an interview, organize your ideas in mind and keep in mind that you should avoid some things. Never lose your concentration; there may be things that distract you a lot during the interview and, even if it seems a lie, they can be part of the test.
You should always be authentic , don't be afraid to introduce yourself as who you are in reality and don't try to pretend to be someone else; if you say that you are very sociable and friendly, but you feel shrunk in the chair with your arms very close to the body you may be showing a contradiction.
You must be expressive , in the correct measure, of course, if you do not show any reaction to the situations that are presented to you, that is to say you are too dull and cold, you could be damaging your presentation, as well as if you express yourself Exaggerated way, it can also be negative.
But remember; If your nerves are gaining ground, you can always resort to humor , try to calm down a bit, be brave and take the problem in a more relaxed way.This is possibly the best option if you see the situation it is getting out of your hands, try not to panic.
Something that can help you a lot, is discover what makes you behave this way , maybe not you feel sufficiently prepared for the interview or you are not very sure of your abilities.It is normal to be afraid, but you must overcome it if you want to get ahead; set yourself the goal of doing well, prepare yourself conscientiously and do your best.
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Image: (c) Can Stock Photo/Bialasiewicz
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