We are sure that for you, your dog is undoubtedly the smartest in the world .The one that brings you the most joy, the one that surprises you the most and the one that accommodates the emptiness of your life to fill them with that nobility that sometimes people do not bring.
Now, sometimes, there are deep debates about which races are the most intelligent, the fastest they learn.There are those who say that In general, small dogs, and even those lacking a particular breed, are brilliant and most ingenious creatures. Natural survivors.
Others, on the other hand, tend to defend that no animal is like a German shepherd, a golden or a Border collie, however, specialists in canine psychology such as Julie Hetcht, who publishes his work in the journal "Scientific American", gives us a different opinion that is worth having in account.
We invite you to discover it with us.
Is there the most intel dog breed igente?
We are sure that you will be anxious to know the response of the experts.Now, we have to tell you that in reality, and how you might have thought of yourself at first «There is no smarter breed of dog that stands out over the others». Not at all.
Based on this reality, it is convenient to clarify many aspects that will make us understand the reason for this statement.
- Every person, like every breeder, educates their animals for a certain type of thing : Border Collies are, for example, excellent sheep dogs.They have always been exceptional today.
- The husky, are wonderful working dogs who love to be with family and enjoy physical activity.Labradors, for their part, they usually train p For the care of disabled people or to be guide dogs for the blind, they have been trained for a long time to detect bombs or drugs.
- The Golden Retriever, for their part, they are considered one of the best companion animals for families .They are noble, serene and perfect for children.
- And What can we say about the German Shepherd? In World War II they were part of the German army, and today, they are still of the most appreciated races for rescue teams or the police.
What do we mean by all this? Basically, there is no race that stands out in intelligence, imagination, and "know-how" about others. Everyone, in their own way, is exceptional and has a characteristic that makes them unique.that people have their personality, their manias and their wonderful genius.
If you have a poodle, for example, you will see that they are most awake and bright; The Papillon, meanwhile, famous for its small size and pointed ears, has a surprising and very awake mind when it comes to learning anything.
And we say more: It is not necessary for a Dog be of breed to demonstrate an awake, bright and amazing character.
Julie Hetch, the expert in canine psychology at Scientific American magazine, emphasizes that the smartest breed of dog "does not exist", in fact, a dog is the reflection of its owners.If you take care of him, take care of him, make him happy and teach him to wake you up in the morning and bring you breakfast, he will undoubtedly be the brightest dog for what you need. If you ignore him or mistreat him, you will have an unhappy dog or even aggressive.
It's worth considering.
Do you agree with this data? If you liked this article, discover also 5 things you can learn from your dog.
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