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The mystery of the red rain of Kerala, India

It is possible for people to cry blood, but that a substance similar to this falls from the sky, as happened in India, is even more chilling.

A red phenomenon in India

What happened in the Indian region of Kerala between on July 25 and September 23, 2001 , seems to have no conclusive explanation for many.The rain that fell during those days was red.And it was not a casual event, because those precipitations lasted about two months, and the water, did not vary in hue at any time: it was scarlet, of a dark red that flooded streets and all that people that received between fear and expectation, a water of blood color.

The mystery of the red rain of Kerala, India

Why was that phenomenon? Let's review all theories below, inviting you as always to give us your opinion .

The day the rain turned red

You may It seems amazing, but the phenomenon of the red rain is not new in India.It is known that in 1896 it already happened, but for the Indian government they were nothing more than spores of suspended algae, a single-celled microorganism able to offer that sudden coloration in the water that fell from the sky.

Godfrey Louis, a physicist at the Cochin University of Science and Technology, did not agree with this hypothesis.By bringing that water under the microscope He saw no trace of dust or sand, even less of seaweed spores.And what did they really see? Here comes the amazing thing: red cells , something similar to the microbes on Earth, but without DNA.Extraterrestrial matter? Let's go calmly and analyze all the information.These scientists tell us that the idea that a comet would have disintegrated in the atmosphere and splashed in the clouds with that strange matter, is a possibility.A rare possibility considering that those “globules red »without DNA, they should have been destroyed when they came into contact with rainwater.

The mystery of the red rain of Kerala, India

Studies continued at Cardiff University, following precisely the theory of panspermia, that is, this red rain could to be in reality, living organic matter arrived from outer space. Something that for many, would also explain life on Earth.And the data is still amazing.In a publication of the "Technology Review", it was said that these cells, when exposed to temperatures of 121 degrees Celsius, reproduce.At room temperature, they are inert.All a mystery that for these scientists, continues to open multiple paths of study.

The mystery of the red rain of Kerala, India

Although in India they seem to be clear, the phenomenon of red rain has occurred several times, therefore, it cannot be explained through the theory of panspermia. Ministry of Health reassured the population informing that the red rain is due to a type of bacteria present in a type of algae of the species Trachelomonas .Normally they are on the ground and can acquire colors that range from red to green, but rarely rise to the atmosphere, due to the dense pollution in India, hence the color of the rain.The Institute of Nanotechnology of India reaffirms it with forcefulness and tranquility: it is nothing more than a single-celled microorganism belonging to the Protist Kingdom, known as Trachelomonas. Nothing more.

The mystery of the red rain of Kerala, India

There is nothing strange about them, nothing extraterrestrial ...Although many still do not accept this idea.


  1. Please visit

    Pls go through the pages "RELIVING THE RED RAIN EVENT" and "THE THEORY OF RED RAIN" and make an objective analysis.


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