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The sad story of Dionne quintuplets

Nowadays, with the new fertilization techniques, it is common that from time to time there are multiple births .That is to say, births where parents suddenly see themselves with four or five children who To raise, but since what is sought above all is to be able to enjoy a family, those older brothers are always welcome.

However, eighty years ago, for example, it was not so common.There, when in 1934 a woman from Ontario gave birth to five beautiful girls, that event became a great feat.A phenomenon worthy of being televised, commercialized...and sadly exploited.

The sad story of Dionne quintuplets

This is the story of 5 girls who did not have an easy childhood.A curious story that as always, we invite you to discover with us.

The photogenic quintuplets Dionn e, Ontario, Canada

They were very small when they came into the world, almost like the palm of a hand.But despite that, many saw in Emilie, Cecile, Yvonne, Annette and Marie Reine , a way to make them big, so great that millions could give to those who had the opportunity to exploit them commercially.

The parents of these beautiful girls were Oliva Edouard and Elzire Dionne .A couple of farmers who already had five more children at home.The youngest of only 11 months.None of the two was expected that this birth would give them five more creatures, but as expected, the joy to The parents were remarkable.

The sad story of Dionne quintuplets

But Ontario's Prime Minister, Mitchell Hepburn thought that that was not going to work out.Moreover, it was the mother's own doctor, Allan Roy Dafoe, who thought what the girls would not be raised well in a house with so many children, they would not receive the proper attention, and, what was worse, since that multiple birth had caused so much expectation in the newspapers it was most likely that the parents would end up exploiting them commercially./p>

Solution? the sisters were removed from their parents, they took custody of them to go directly to the hands of Dr.Dafoe himself, who installed the girls in a residence intended exclusively for the quintuplets.But, do you know what it was like? really that house-home? We will give you a clue: the girls were in a room surrounded by crystals, through which, anyone could approach to observe them.To see how they slept, they bathed them or fed them...but, yes, paying a previous entry.

The sad story of Dionne quintuplets

The Dionne quintuplets were a perfect machine to make money.Their first years of life were not limited to just staying behind some showcases where they were observed, at all.Throughout the country, they even came to Hollywood, where they began to star in movies with only two years.Calendars were made, magazines were published, and they even got to know Queen Elizabeth in 1939.

But obviously the parents did not remain still.They sought legal support at all times to recover their daughters.And they succeeded? Of course, but when the girls were already 9 years old. At this point, you might think that girls' lives finally acquired the calm they needed, their own stability in everything in need of family context, with their own., with his biological family.

Well, it wasn't like that. The commercial machinery that surrounded the girls was too powerful to stop her, to turn her face to those checks that they constantly received.They continued working, making announcements, bells… It is said that their parents were able to earn about 500 million Canadian dollars from that time.

But the girls grew up and acquired the age of majority.It was the moment when they finally had a voice and could choose.And they chose to remain silent, move away from the spotlights, the cameras and all curious eyes, opting for having a normal life away from his parents.And how was his life since then? One of them chose to be a nun, but died in her bathtub after an epileptic crisis.

The sad story of Dionne quintuplets

Another died with just over 30 years of thrombosis.Life, so to speak, came to them with their normal course, as in all of us. Some died early and others, two of them, reached the age of 80.But throughout their existence they tried to erase part of their childhood and youth from their memory.They were, so to speak, sold and exploited.Also wounded and humiliated because, as one day they came to testify, they suffered serious sexual abuse by their father.

The Dionne quintuplets did not have an easy life Finally, in 1998, the government decided to compensate with 4 million dollars the sisters that were alive.Since they never came to have r access to all the money they generated for image rights.

The sad story of Dionne quintuplets

A sad story to keep in mind, that of the Dionne quintuplets.But if this article has impressed you, also know the billionaire who refused to pay a ransom by his own grandson.


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