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The elegant Morton finger or Greek foot. You have it?

Let's talk about feet .There are very stylized and less graceful, of those who for reasons of genetics or other problems, have not too aesthetic fingers that do not usually look too good with sandals when it arrives summer.Now, you may have never stopped to think about it, but within the world of art and sculpture, there is a type of foot that symbolizes the absolute beauty .In fact, if you look at the sculptures of the Greek masters, you will discover some “specimens” that are repeated in most artistic representations.It is the so-called Greek foot , where one of the fingers... Morton's finger.

If you have been disturbed by these first data, do not hesitate to continue reading the article before look again the disposition of your beautiful toes.

Morton's extra-long toe or Greek foot

We know that from now on You are going to look much more at the toes of others, including the sculptures.But...why was this type of arrangement on the toes considered so so beautiful ?

The elegant Morton finger or Greek foot. You have it?

Well, first let's describe a little more the famous Morton's finger:

  • We are talking about the index finger , which stands out from the rest strikingly.
  • The description of Morton's foot first appeared in 1927 , by an orthopedic surgeon: by Dudley Morton.
  • According to an article published in the "The New York Times" despite the fact that many they consider it a kind of "weird" foot, it really isn't so much because it characterizes a third of the population. Surely you have it!
  • For this doctor, this type of morphology would describe a trait inherited from our ancestors: it is a very prehensile foot type.
  • For the Greeks, this type of foot was associated with the royalty of the gods, hence they sought to represent it in their artistic manifestations.We will tell you that the Statue of Liberty also has this characteristic.

The elegant Morton finger or Greek foot. You have it?

Morton's finger statue, worshiped according to the classic Greek beauty canons.Hence, it is called the Greek foot at the feet with this characteristic
  • The foot of Greek or Morton's foot has a triangular aspect , there where the rest of the metatarsals fan out, however, it can be said that sometimes this type of arrangement can lead to some kind of problem.Even though that second toe is longer than the big toe, the rest of the fingers are actually much shorter.This last one makes some people, due to the excessive pronation that the way of walking is different, the pelvis is balanced a little more and can cause some type of scoliosis.

The elegant Morton finger or Greek foot. You have it?

1.Egyptian foot, 2.Roman foot, 3.Greek foot

However, it is very punctual that does not happen to all people who are lucky enough to be born with the one that is supposed to be , is the "prettiest foot" in the world, at least for Greek art./p>

So now tell us what are your toes like? Do you have a Greek foot or is it Roman or Egyptian? If you liked this article, find out now what kind they are the fingers of your hands.

Image: John Patrick Robichaud, Joel Kramer, elycefeliz, Andrea Allen


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