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The Vadoma tribe | Of African origin and with ostrich feet

If you have reached this article, it is because you have surely heard about the Vadoma tribe, an African people famous for having ostrich feet.Like an ostrich? Yes, as you read it, the ostrich feet, like two big claws that come out, instead of the five fingers we are used to. Didn't you know this was possible? Do not worry, we were also surprised at some point, so at Science Daily Online we sat down to find out more about this Vadoma to bring you all the information you need to know about this particular African tribe.

Don't forget to find out of the peculiar history of the Vadoma tribe.

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The Vadoma: the ostrich feet village

The Vadoma tribe | Of African origin and with ostrich feet

Ectrodactyly is an alteration where the three central toes disappear to give way to two prominent claws.

To begin, we have to locate ourselves geographically. We are in the amazing African continent, where the savanna opens in all directions , the heat reigns and the sun is at its zenith showing us all the curiosities of Africa that extend from north to south, from east to west.A cloud moves in the sky, grazes the Sun, almost, gives us a bit of shade, and in the distance we see a man who takes a complicated walk.Walk a little strange, really, as if he were wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Let's be a little more specific : We are in the Zameze Valley, in the beautiful land of Zimbabwe.In these lands not only the man we see in the distance walks strangely, in fact there is a whole tribe famous for the fact that the members they use to mobilize from one side to the other, that is, their feet, both right and left, have a curious deformity or genetic alteration that has earned them the name of ostrich feet town , although the truth is that they prefer to call themselves the Vadoma, or the Vadoma tribe.

Their feet, the truth, are quite a spectacle.And we do not say it in the pejorative sense, although surely in other times more than one would have been it happened that those men could easily exhibit themselves in a circus, next to the nino-wolf and the bearded woman.But the truth is that we do not bring it up by bad gesture or healthy, but with an absolute surprise, after all not every day you find a man with feet as particular as these, and , although the different sometimes generates rejection, one has to overcome these prejudices and see things in their own nature : with surprise, yes, but also with understanding.

These feet, we said, have a wonderful peculiarity: They have two large deformed fingers, huge, large, very large compared to the fingers of any other people , somewhat more similar to two huge claws than to fingers properly That is why the Vadoma tribe has become famous, although not precisely in the hollywoodense style of the term.Let's see it, anyway, with respect and admiration for those people who manage to make their peculiarities or physical limitations an example of survival yt Ambien de Pride: Let's visit the Vadoma tribe.

1.The history of the Vadoma tribe

The Vadoma tribe | Of African origin and with ostrich feet

The ostrich feet that characterize this tribe were registered, for the first time, in 1770.

Zimbabwe, or in its local translation,« stone house », It is one of those countries of superb beauty where we can find the most incredible and spectacular things.Just remember that it is located right between the Zambeze River, Victoria Falls and the Limpopo River. It is just north of this country and hidden between a mountainous area, where the village of the Vadoma tribe is located, one of the last tribes of our planet. It is an almost inaccessible area and it is very possible that due to this isolation said physical characteristic has been made even more patent.

The vadoma are, the truth be said, a simple people.They eat, like all of us, sleep and, of course, have other kinds of needs, of those that have to see with fluids that, in order not to fall into the eschatological or the erotic, we will not specify here.In any case, differs from us only by its lower limbs, those that we usually hide in shoes or show with colorful tones in the ones , and in which we barely repair.Well, they themselves have them quite different, all due to a physical condition called, not so commonly, ectrodactyly.

The Vadoma are there, in that little town of Zimbabwe, they have their own myths and traditions, their rites and their own way of conceiving and making life, like everyone else.They are there, we were saying, and they have been long, so much so that In the middle of the 18th century the legend of these men with huge and irregular feet was already known in various parts of the world , and the adventurers, as Jules Verne, ventured in the middle of this amazing and strange continent with the in order to find out if the myth of the Vadoma tribe.

2.The Vadoma tribe and ectrodactyly

Ectrodactyly is an alteration where the three central toes disappear to give way, only, to two prominent claws that remind a lot of the feet of an ostrich, and it is so rare that if you write it in word the proofreader will tell you that the term does not exist. It is really an autosomal genetic alteration dominant caused by an alteration , a small change in chromosome number seven, a mutation, as Professor X would say.

This disease is also known as Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome , and can result not only in malformations of the lower limbs, but also of the upper limbs, that is, the hands. While the feet have an appearance similar to that of the ostriches, the hands of people who suffer from this syndrome tend to assume a form very similar to a lobster claws.

But do not believe that this characteristic is exclusive to the Vadoma, at all.In fact, it is much more frequent than you think.Let's say, it is not something that happens to 5% of the population, but neither It is something quite scarce: Ectrodactyly appears worldwide, although it is really strange or, at least, we do not usually see it very often, as it appears in one of every 90,000 people. Therefore, if you had some 180,000 people added on Facebook , surely about two, on average, would suffer from this condition that characterizes the Vadoma tribe.

However, it is important to emphasize that, although ectrodactyly can occur worldwide, in the Vadoma tribe it is extremely common."Why is this, professor?" Well, I'm not a teacher, but let's venture to find out: apparently high The frequency of this syndrome within the Vadoma is due to its isolation and a small coincidence that was generated let you know when .Segun the scientists speculate, this phenomenon should have appeared with a little unusual frequency within the tribe at some point in its history, and then, as men and women were reproducing, and having some the recessive gene and others the dominant gene, little by little it was transmitted in the village, which led to it becoming more frequent and going from being an irregularity to being common among them.

This malformation, mutation or genetic condition is quite common also in the Talaunda Tribe , which is located in Zimbabwe and Bostwana, so many scientists have speculated that this tribe may present some common ancestors with the Vadoma tribe.

3.The Vadoma tribe, a tribe like any other

The Vadoma tribe | Of African origin and with ostrich feet

Despite their feet, they are a tribe like any other.

Well, until here we understand each other.But surely at some point the doubt arose: But, And how do these people live? Well, they live in a fairly regular way.In fact, for a person with ectrodactyly it would be easier to adapt to living in the Vadoma tribe than in the everyday world that you and I know. This because they are perfectly integrated into the tribe, work, have their families and live happily in those lands that generation after generation have always had this physical peculiarity.

In fact, as we told you above, this syndrome dates back to at least the 18th century , when it was documented for the first time in 1770 by Jan Jacob Hartsinck, the director of the Dutch East India Company, but this was only the first time it was documented, which does not mean that it did not exist before.

Don Jan Jacob Hartsinck saw him for the first time after an encounter with a group of African slaves who were to be taken to Dutch Guiana. Times of darkness and serious human rights violations (when he was away still the concept of human rights), in which many doctors saw their time to study genetic problems of this type.Problems that, after all, were not only exclusive to the African people, although diseases such as ectrodactyly were more frequent in this continent.

Returning to the theme of the Vadoma tribe, men with ostrich feet, we must clarify something else in which they stand out, and that is that their feet, those that a foreigner could see with bad eyes, have benefited greatly from something: Vadomas are skilled as the one who climbs a tree the most. It seems that their feet, although aesthetically outside the canon, gave them an advantage within the African savannah, what which makes them one of the most amazing tribes in the world.

Well, so far everything we could tell you about the Vadoma tribe.Do you know any other tribe you want to talk to? Would you like to meet other tribes? Leave your opinion in the comments, we will be looking forward to reading you!

If you liked this article, we also recommend: Hadzaa: the tribe that hunts like sharks, The Yanomami, a very curious tribe and the tribe of women from the plate on the lip.


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