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Putting your fingers in your nose can be dangerous to your health

Putting your fingers in your nose maybe it was a regular habit when you were a child, as it is in almost every child in the world.It is not uncommon to hear parents say: “Stop sticking your fingers in your nose , it's ugly! ”Yes, it's unpleasant, but it can also lead to some health problems.

Putting your fingers in your nose can be dangerous for your health

There's everything for everything a study today.And not only that, for some behaviors that were considered habits, there are now names and disorders, such as putting your finger in your nose compulsively; This would be called rinotilexomania , although it is under discussion whether it is really a disorder or if it is only a bad habit.

Putting your fingers in your nose can be dangerous to your health

But certainly putting your fingers in your nose, in addition to Antiestetic and unhygienic, it can also be harmful, even if it does not kill you.There are several reasons, which we will explain to you.
When we poke our noses, the ones (however short they are) tend to break the delicate internal skin, forming small abrasions; these abrasions bleed, and blood is the favorite food of many germs, such as the staphylococcus aureus (a study by the University of Cambridge gave the possibility that those who have the habit of picking the nose are more likely to carry this bacteria).
Staphylococcus aureus causes very common infections of the skin, such as abscesses, but in the nose it can also generate respiratory infections, such as sinusitis , and even food poisoning.Another common infection is vestibulitis , which is when there are wounds at the entrance of the nose and become infected.

Putting your fingers in your nose can be dangerous to your health

Putting your fingers in your nose can also cause This blood is especially common in children, as the finger usually breaks small blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, not to mention the foru Nulls and pimples that can go out inside the nose.
They are usually quite painful, and if they break or get hurt, the infection can spread to other parts of the face, usually the outer area of ​​the nose.Something more serious that can happen is that the nasal septum is perforated , which is the thin layer of skin that separates one nostril from another, and if you have the habit of putting your fingers in your nose it is not unusual occurrence.The rupture of the nasal septum causes bleeding and a characteristic sound when breathing through the nose, a kind of whistle.
Of course there are many people who put their fingers in their nose and do not pass nothing; neither is it the end of the world that you do it, but keep in mind that the hands, and especially the ones, contain many bacteria that you would eventually introduce into your bloodstream, so if you don't do it for a right social behavior, at least do it for your health, and stop putting your fingers in your nose.
And discover why you can have acne as an adult.
Images: Jamwhy, Sahadeva Hammari, kitakitts


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