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What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

In Science Daily Online we love to investigate, so in this post we are going to talk about doshas , or physical biotypes, according to Ayurvedic medicine .

As you may know, ayurveda is an ancient system of traditional medicine that originated in India and in Sanskrit means, more or less, "truth or knowledge about the duration of life."

What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

There are three texts that could be considered as the basis of Ayurvedic medicine, and they are the Sushruta Samhita (between the fourth century BC and the third century AD), which was a pharmacopoeia; the Caraka Samhita (more or less in the second century AD) and the Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita , after the two others and attributed to a possible Buddhist monk, which is a compendium of medical treatments.

What is dosha?

According to Ayurveda, dosha is "vital air" or "humor" or, to put it more scientifically, "temperament", "biotype" or "metabolic principle".

There are three doshas:

- vata (open air)

- pitta (water, bile)

- kapha (earth, phlegm).

In the Ayurvedic context, the dosha would become like the strength of the body that is easily unbalanced.We all possess the three doshas but in varied proportions.

What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

What id It would be that we had 33% of each, and the remaining 1% for the dominant dosha, but it is not so.In fact, many times we lack or have excess of some, which causes the diseases.

To restore the original balance of the doshas, ​​a proper diet, physical exercises, meditation, yoga and massages will be necessary.

Typical constitution according to the predominant dosha

The vata person

-It is usually thin and light.

-Active, creative and restless.

-It has prominent veins and tendons.

-Tendency to have both dry skin and hair.

-Poor cold tolerance.

What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

-Variable patterns of sleep and nutrition.

-Tendency to anxiety, as well as constipation and insomnia.

The pitta person

-Medium physical structure.

-Acute intellect.

-Great appetite.

-Skin with freckles or moles.

-Tendency to baldness or premature gray hair.

What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

-Warm hands and feet, with abundant sweat.

-Highly irritable, oily skin and with a tendency to gastritis.

The kapha person

-Heavy physical structure, with tendency to overweight.

-Slow digestion.

-Thick, wavy and oily hair.

-Deep and prolonged sleep.

-Of methodical actions.

-Slow to get angry.

-Way of being calm and delicate.

Obviously people who have a pure vata, pitta or kapha personality are not very common, rather we are all born with qualities of each dosha, presenting by usually a type of two doshas in which one predominates over the other, although not drastically.The dominant dosha determines the primary reactions to the external stimuli, both in the physical and mental aspects.The non-dominant dosha influences in various ways but never mixed to give a new re Sultado.

Doshas combinations


They are generally of thin complexion, can be friendly and talkative, like the pure vata, of fast movements but of more entrepreneurial tendency and more acute intellect, typical of pitta traits.It is not very they are likely to be nervous or hypersensitive (vata extremes).Their digestion will be healthier than that of the vata and show greater tolerance to cold, as the pitta markedly improves circulation.


People with doshas in this order are of medium structure, rather strong and muscular, and are closer to the thin and bony appearance of pure vata.They are fast-moving, have great resistance and are usually energetic and very firm.The intensity of the pitta is greatly appreciated.

What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

They have good digestion with excellent intestinal rhythm.They face problems as challenges and assume them with enthusiasm.

Both pitta-vata and vata-pitta are prone to fear and anger , which are the "negative" emotions of both doshas.They are highly irritable.


They are easy to recognize because they have pitta intensity in their attitude and a solid body, being more muscular than pitta-vata, or more corpulent.with the pitta force, and they have a stable personality, although with a tendency to criticism and anger.Their physical type is that of athletes, and they have a very bad time if they skip a meal.They usually have excellent health.


Kapha-pitta people tend to have a good muscle but more fat.They tend to be round face and body, move slowly and they are more relaxed (advantages of the kapha), which gives them more resistance and stability.

What is your dosha? Discover your biotype according to Ayurveda

They like to exercise regularly, although they must fight laziness because their nature is not so active.


It is difficult for these people to identify their type, since vata and kapha tend to be opposite.Their main feature is a thin complexion, vata type, combined with the relaxed attitude of the kapha.They can even be small.

They are of mild temperament but under pressure they can react with alarm.They tend to be fast and efficient but also have a tendency to leave things for another time.the environmental cold, and its digestion can be slow and irregular.


They look like vata-kapha but are more corpulent and with leisurely movements.They are more stable and perhaps more relaxed, but they also lack the enthusiasm of the Vata.Their tendency is to be more athletic and with greater endurance.cold and suffer from digestive irregularities.

If you have not been able to locate your biotype or your dosha, here is a test that will help you.And if you liked the article, you might like to know the characteristics of the immature people.


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