After the launch of the Sputnik satellite by the Soviet Union, the United States saw the need to take measures not to lag behind in the technological competition and that's how DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States, was born US Army, whose ambitious projects will surprise you.
The amazing DARPA projects led by the United States
1.RAM Reproduction
They refer to the "Restoration of active memory". With RAM reproduction, it is intended to allow people to better remember the epic memories and the skills learned.They hope to develop ways to improve the memory of both memory declarative (facts and experiences) as of the memory of procedures (unconscious information that allows an individual to perform the learned skills).
Animal studies have shown that stored memories are reactivated unconscious During sleep and wakefulness in a process called neuronal repetition , which in terms of brain activity, closely resembles the patterns present when a memory is encoded.DARPA seeks to study how the commitment of the process of repetition, the frequency of activation and the time between each repetition affect subsequent memory performance and skill-based tasks.
2.Robot Tactico Autonomo de Energia
Energy Autonomous Tactical Robot , or EATR is a system in which DARPA works that is designed to consume plant-based biomass to obtain energy.This would allow the robot to continue performing missions and operations without the need for conventional sources of energy or refueling.
However, it is also being dis enado to make use of sources such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, carbon, cooking oil and solar energy when appropriate.It will be used to directly support combat troops in the field of battle carrying backpacks and other materials, providing weapons and support, extracting victims and providing a convenient source of energy.
3.Narrative networks
Amid the war of ideas, terrorism...It is increasingly interesting to determine how stories affect human thinking and behavior.That is why they have developed the Narrative Networks program , designed to «take narratives and make them quantitatively analysable in a rigorous, transparent and repeatable way ».
Much of the initial research was focused on obser The ideas disseminated through social networks vary, but the project focused on the analysis of micro-facial features and magnetic resonance imaging to determine the effect that stories and ideas have on human beings.
4.Drugs of pathogens, THoR and prediction of epidemics
Increasing the bacteria resistant to Antibiotics is a threat to the world, as they could be used in military or terrorist attacks or simply as an emerging epidemic.During this problem, DARPA seeks to discover how to make bacteria work for us instead of against them.
In this project they want to use live predatory bacteria to treat bacterial infections caused by biological weapons and pathogens resistant to antibiotics.
Some pathogen predators, such as Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and Micavibrio aeruginosavorus , feed on more than 100 different human pathogens, including some that are resistant to medications, as demonstrated.This could lead to a therapeutic treatment based on predators.
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Images: Wikimedia Commons/Dpt.Of Defense
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