How could we define the character? We usually say that there are people with a strong character or a weak character, but in reality it is much more than all this.It is an authentic trunk full of personal experiences, of overcome problems, of stored fears, of inherited factors, and it has to do, above all, with our social learning and also with our habits.
It is also often said that the character finishes profiling at the end of our adolescence, but we could say that throughout our life we are traveling along a path where we never stop learning, where experiences continue to shape our personality and our character.
However, what aspects can help us strengthen it? What acts or experiences should we live to see a "a little stronger "? Let's talk about it today, hoping as always to expand this list with your own opinions.
1.Assume your mistakes
In this life nobody has that basic manual with which to avoid mistakes or failures.Moreover, errors help us to improve and learn , no matter how serious these stumbles are.
Now, as you know there are many people who refuse to assume these mistakes, something that, in the long term, will make them fall into the same aspects, without the possibility of "becoming aware" and learning.
2.Listen, keep your senses open but always have the last word
Do not close to anything, experiment, listen to others, listen to all opinions and always keep an open mind.But then, always express your own opinion according to your values and what you have learned.
3.Se prudent, reflect
We know that it is not always easy, that sometimes we act in accordance with our passions and with those thoughts that cross our minds, almost like an impulse.
Now, to Having a stronger character is essential that we learn to be a little more cautious and think things cold and calm.Being prudent does not mean being a coward , at all, is being cautious and knowing how to act when we really must do it.
4.Learn new things every day
People who live according to their fervent and inflexible ideas can hardly cope with changes or problems.
We must know how to adapt and always keep an open mind, Since learning, reading, experimenting or dialogue with many people every day, will offer you new bridges to be more valid in this complex life and to have a strong character.
5.Learning from love and heartbreak
It is often said that nobody knows what life is if they have not suffered on occasion. Equally important is having fallen in love, like having lived a disappointment, having experienced a betrayal or having lived what it is to discover that each day, love is lost.
All this is important, it gives us a vital experience of what emotions are, big and fragile that is the human being.Everything lost is also a learning and, in turn, teaches us to be much more resilient.
6.Put on challenges every day
There is nothing else motivator that set a cad goal a day. The short and long term challenges help us sharpen our character even more to test ourselves, to learn to be a little braver.
What if today we dare to tell you, for example , to that friend who is an egoist? What do you think if today you do something to get that dream you have in mind? Life is full of small and big challenges that are worthwhile assume.
7.Face your fears
We are not talking about common fears.Of fear of spiders or clowns, at all.There are many people who appear to have a strong character and yet, at the minimum difficulty they hide behind each other or react in a quite cowardly way .Appearances deceive, there is no doubt.
To authentically and really strengthen our character, First of all we must discover what our authentic fears are.Are you afraid of loneliness? Do you fear being rejected? Do you fear not reaching your dreams? Are you afraid to tell the truth of what you feel to certain people? Delve into your obscurities and understand them, give them solution and emerge stronger. It is a task that takes time, but we assure you, it is a worthwhile process that will help you live more fully.
And now tell us, what dimensions would you add to strengthen your character? Remember, if you liked this article, discover the characteristics of introverts as well.
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