The pain , that sensation that the dictionary defines as "localized and subjective sensation more or less intense, annoying or unpleasant that feels somewhere in the body", can literally turn life into a hell.
No one can know how much a person feels , and that is why it is subjective, because everyone feels it and suffers in their own flesh.There are those who have ample capacity to endure and those who feel intensely any minimal injury.It is what is called the “pain threshold”.
Although there is no thermometer or meter that indicates if really that headache of your partner is really disabling, or your child's stomach discomfort is so severe as to miss classes, according to the testimonies of millions of people there are certain worse pains than others, so unbearable that even the idea of death is tempting to not suffer them more s.
The countdown begins, from the least painful to the most unbearable.
8 of the worst pains that NO ONE would want to suffer again
If you've ever had the bad luck of having cavities or certain infections or inflammations in the molar nerves, you will know without a doubt that this can be one of the worst pains that can be suffered.
A toothache can significantly deteriorate your quality of life and be bitter for several nights.
2.Ligament rupture
It is mostly suffered by athletes, but strictly speaking we are all likely to be broken or, at best, , a ligament is torn.
The pain is sharp and intense and it seems that I would never stop.Until I rehabilitate it It hurts, and something very contrary is that the recovery process is very slow , it can take several months.
3.Bone fracture
Depending of the fracture, you can even lose consciousness.If the ligament rupture is terrible, multiply by 2 when you break a bone.
It is a pain that few people endure serenely, and has the same problem as the previous one , recovering takes a long time.In addition, in times of cold and humidity, the pain returns.
4.Nephritic colic or kidney stones
If you have a calculation or “stone” in the kidneys, and this begins to go down the urinary tract, you can be sure that you suffered one of the worst pains.
The women who have suffered it say that it can be equated with the pain of childbirth, and the men begin to take care of their diet so that they never suffer from it again.
From first to fourth grade, burns can lead to serious pain and worse discomfort.
With slight sunburns you can suffer sunstroke and your skin gets red, and are cataloged as first grade; when you burn-for whatever reason-and the blisters arise, it is of the second degree; Third-grade ones happen when nerves are destroyed and your skin looks like dry leather, and fourth-grade ones are obviously the most severe, and you can even lose your limbs.These burns can be a result of frostbite.
6.Childbirth pain
Although some women do not feel great pain when giving birth, it is true that it is considered as one of the worst.Contractions of the uterus to expel the baby can become intolerable.
As compensation, when the pain ends you have your baby, although the pain does not disappear as if by magic, it follows you hurting a little even after giving birth.In 95% of the cases it is fulfilled what God said to Eve before expelling her from paradise: «And you will give birth to your children with pain...».
7.Kicks in the testicles
If women hurt to give birth, men kicked in the testicles can quickly put them out of combat.
The reason is that the testicles have innumerable receivers of pain (it is a natural defense mechanism to preserve the species) that work by exerting a greater force than that of a caress…
8.Trigeminal neuralgia
It is the fifth nerve of the skull and one of the longest of the head.If the pain is inflamed it can be truly unbearable, so much so that patients think of suicide as a form of relief.
What it feels like are electric shocks and sharp on one side of the face, and can last several infinities minutes.
Of course there are other pains, such as those suffered by any cancer, in which the body can not stand anymore and it is necessary to be sedated.But those on this list are considered the worst among the non-terminal Have you suffered any in your life? Or do you think we should include another? Share it with us and find out:
Who feels more pain, man or woman?
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