Their eyes contain a whole ocean of blue waters , it is the most pristine, pure and intense tone of the world of felines.If you have a siamese cat you will also know that they have a special character, that they are very elegant and that attracts them especially that mask that blacken part of their face and legs.
Not long ago we talked to you in Science Daily Online about the spectacular cat of Maine and today we want to deepen another breed just as interesting: the Siamese.
The Siamese cat, a breed from the East
Its origin? Far, far away.The Siamese cat is originally from the emblematic kingdom of Siam, present-day Thailand, but throughout the 19th century numerous merchants began to take them with their ships to sell them in England to the upper classes , and these, in turn, also took them on their trips to the United States.
We must say that the breed of Siamese cats is quite varied, but those who originally came from Thailand were very stylized specimens, thin to instead of delicate and more pale, very much like the royalty of Siam and, later, of the judges in the beauty pageants in the United States during the decade of the 50.The ones that most know or we have at home, they are more robust and not so stelized, but still, equally spectacular.
It is also thought that the siamese cat Originally from Thailand, it is the so-called Si-Sawat, or Korat.It is a somewhat different cat from the one we all have in mind, this one is more silver and with green eyes, not blue.However, feline organizations like the TICA (The International Cat Association) , they usually differentiate the old and modern siames, separating them as two different races.
And what about their character? Do they have something distinctive that differentiates them from other races? Something that always attracts attention in Siamese cats is that they are usually very scandalous during their mating season, and their meows are very sharp, persistent and, moreover, they are famous for being very sexually prolific .Another nice feature and original of Siamese cats is that many of them tend to suffer from strabismus, as you can see in the image below.
Moreover, they do not differ much from other cats, the" cat "personality is very endearing , as you know, at a time they are the most friendly, affectionate and affable creatures in the world, and then choose to go in search of adventures and enjoy their independence.Toys, sleepers and exquisite foodies, Siamese cats share with the rest of his brothers that personality that we like so much.
A curious feature to keep in mind is that when a siame is crossed with another breed, cats with shorter tails or with knots in the cartilage , small genetic characteristics that these cats usually leave from the ancient kingdom of Siam.And now tell us, do you have a siamese cat? What do you like most about them? Feel free to leave us your comments, meanwhile, we invite you to remember amazing curiosities about black cats.
Image: Robert Couse-Baker,, _Teb, Leandro Martinez
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