With the passing of time, companies are increasingly concerned with creating experiences as personalized as possible to help meet the needs and tastes of their public.Just this has made an American startup, called Vinome, which promises to offer "the best personalized experience" when selecting your type of wine based on your DNA.
This company tells you your type of wine based on your DNA
Vinome is a wine delivery service located in California that aims to put an end to the fateful choice of wine bottles, by creating a personalized flavor profile based on the buyer's DNA. How do they do it?
It turns out that they offer a wine suitable for your senses based on the genes (which they obtain and analyze from a saliva sample) and a food survey You like them and you don't like them.After having these two elements, they use their algorithm to find wines from their wineries that you could enjoy.
According to Vinome: «There are more than 400 genes that encode cells in our tongue and in our nose that allow us to distinguish between different tastes and smells (called taste and olfactory receptors).”Precisely those genes correspond to certain taste and olfactory preferences.For example, some people are genetically predisposed to hate the coriander flavor, while there are others love it ; It also happens with the smell of gasoline, while there are some who find it sensational, there are those who hate it.
Although there is not much science to support this theory, Vinome has the support of a giant from the study of DNA, in this case in the form of another startup, Helix, which in turn is backed by the world's largest DNA sequencing company, the power known as Illumina, a company that has been selling machines that can quickly decode the human genome for several years and that has achieved a good place in the market and great prestige among medical researchers around the world who use their products.
On this occasion, Illumina aims to conquer the consumer market and spend 100 million dollars to launch Helix , which unites application developers who can find different creative ways to use a customer’s genetic data, such as Vinome what Choose your type of wine based on DNA analysis.
For about $ 65 per bottle, Vinome promises to choose "great wines that are perfectly suited to you" based on an analysis of 10 genetic variants in your DNA, collected through saliva samples.
Would you like to try it? Don't stop telling us!
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Images: Gadini; jill111
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