Dysthymia or depression.Some time ago we wrote an article about dysthymia, and we explained to you what this disorder consists of.We have also written about depression, how to recognize it and how to treat it.
This time we want Emphasize their differences, as many times the symptoms of both disorders can be confused and prevent proper treatment.Of course, the diagnoses must be made by specialists , you must be very clear about that.
Dysthymia or depression, would you know how to differentiate them? Keys to do it
It is important to know if you suffer from dysthymia or depression, because although there are symptoms in common, the treatment for each disease is different.There is a diagnostic tool that, although not perfect, if helps to reveal doubts; This is the DSM-IV-TR (for its acronym in English: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, Text Revised ), which supports the specialist in the distinction of both conditions.
First, dysthymia is a feeling of chronic sadness, enduring in time; for at least two years in a row, the person who suffers from it may experience certain symptoms (from two to several of them):
- low self-esteem, which leads to poor self-confidence and feelings of depletion ;
- loss of pleasure or interest;
- pessimism, hopelessness, despair;
- chronic tiredness;
- excessive irritability or anger;
- concentration, memory or indecision problems;
- feelings of guilt;
- decreased effectiveness.
, is a sad mood, where the person "does not lift head&rdquo we could even say that it is a mild depression, a perennial sadness that does not come to become a serious depression.However, the people who suffer from it have a very bad time.
For dysthymia to be dysthymia, it is necessary that the symptoms have a long duration and that there are no “rest periods”, that is, that they do not disappear or that the mood does not improve.
This disorder can suffer up to 5% of the world population , and so far it has not been studied how deeply it should be.There is a very high risk of dysthymia and the age of its appearance differs from depression: while in this age the average age is around 30-35 years, dysthymia can appear to be very young, even in childhood.
Now let's look at the symptoms of depression:
- decreased pleasure or interest in any activity;
- depressed mood (these first two symptoms are sine qua non , that is, necessary to speak of an episode of major depression);
- insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping too much);
- agitation, or psychomotor slowness;
- appetite and appetite disorders weight;
- loss of energy or fatigue;
- problems concentrating or making decisions;
- excessive feelings of guilt or worthlessness;
- recurring ideas of suicide or death.
Symptoms must interfere with the daily functioning of the person, and to diagnose a depression at least five of them must occur; depression can also be distinguished because the patient suffers periods of at least two weeks with these signals, and then return another period of "normality." Of course, whoever has a severe depression can suffer these episodes from three to fifteen months, depending on the severity, before balancing the mood.
But it happens that both conditions can coexist , and when that happens it is called “double depression”: the affected person goes from the depressive state to the chronic dysthymia, and never experiences a relief .This greatly hurts emotional and physical health, so you have to seek help as quickly as possible.
Another difference in both disorders is their treatment; for major depression tends to suggest drug treatments , while for dysthymia psychotherapy is preferred.In the case of double depression, it is recommended to combine both strategies.
You may suffer from dysthymia or depression, and what you have always believed a sad personality or Pessimistic, however, is a more delicate condition that requires attention.If you think so, we recommend that you visit a specialist to help you get out of doubt.
We invite you to read our articles on the depression: 5 natural remedies to combat it, Facebook can help you against depression, and discover how laziness can cause it.
Images: (c) Can Stock Photo/stokkete, (c) Can Stock Photo/dundanim, Twilight Jones, ClaraDon, Babak Fakhamzadeh, Jeremy Brooks
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