In the following article we want to talk to you about controlling your fears.Fear is something destructive that, although it exists to keep us alert to possible dangers, usually has not so beneficial consequences.Fear of speaking in public, on a first date to a job interview, and many other situations in which fear is our worst enemy because it usually blocks us.
So the next time you have to control your fears, you should follow the researcher's advice of fear Mary Poffenroth and her RIA method that we will explain below.
RIA method to manage your fears
When we talk about controlling your fears we don't always refer to the sensation you can have when being on the edge of a cliff or facing a wild beast.The researcher Poffenroth explains in her investigation that fear presents itself basically in two ways; real and fictitious fear.The real fear comes from a real threat, a threat against your life, as we said before, a precipice, a wild beast threatening us, a thief who sneaks into your house...the fear is real because the danger also It is.
However, fictional fear, although based on reality, has a large percentage of inventiveness, which comes from your mind; fear that you don't get all the words coherently in your wedding speech, or in an important work meeting, fear that your partner will leave you for someone else, etc.This type of fear, in addition, can also be divided into two other categories: the fear of not being able and the fear of not being in control.How do you feel? Overwhelmed? Stressed? Be unable? These words only describe your fear.
The problem is that the emotional center of your brain, the tonsil, tends to react in the same way to real fears as opposed to fictitious ones.With that problem, you must know that if you spend your days stressed or insecure, with fictitious fears, you are putting your body in a constant alert situation.That's what Poffenroth relies on when he exposes:
«How can we change our history with our fictitious fears so that the tonsil is not triggered so much and we are not in this total stress response ».
RIA method
The acronym for the RIA method to control your fears correspond to: Recognize, Identify and Stop.Said in other words; recognize what your fear is, identify it and then find a way to stop it.It seems simple but takes some practice.
Recognize: Learn to know yourself.Do you have a fast heart? Do you sweat excessively? Do you have a dry mouth or any digestive discomfort? All these, and some more, are clear symptoms of a response to fear and recognizing it is the first step to know that this situation, whatever it is, causes you fear.
Identify: Poffenroth suggests “name it to identify it.” Naming fear can give you some power over it.By identifying it you can also know if it is a real or fictional fear, we have already explained the difference.
“When you name fear, simply identifying something is happening may be enough to calm it down and limit the fear response itself”
“It also makes us not feel so alone in front of the fear.We are human and we must understand that this type of fear is the result of our brain's work ”
Stop: Once you have achieved the first two steps, and if you still feel that fear, it is time to face him.Perhaps it is the most difficult of the steps but the one that will help you the most.You have concluded that your fear has a real origin, at this point you should take steps to protect yourself depending on the nature of that fear; however, if the fear has a fictitious origin, there are a number of strategies to combat it and overcome it successfully./p>
One of those strategies to control your fears is to breathe for 4 seconds, keeping the air in those 4 seconds, exhale later for 4 seconds more and repeat the process as much as necessary until you get your body to calm down physically.
Once relaxed, try to get to the root of that fear to set up a customized response.For example, if you fear is that your partner leaves you, talk to her about that fear.If your fear is to speak in public, in any situation, think: what is it but what could happen? You will probably realize that there is nothing serious enough to let that fear progress.
Surely you will come up with concrete answers to each type of fear, knowing how you know yourself.If your problem is that you cannot get there To complete all the tasks you have, make a list of priorities and you will know that the important thing, you can postpone some and even delegate others.In any case, they will free you from the stress and feeling of not reaching everything./p>
Of all this we have explained in this article, the most important thing and what we want you to remember is that if you pretend that your fear does not exist, your body will continue fighting against it, whether you are aware or not and That can lead to serious health problems.Remedy with the RIA method to control your fears!
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