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The giant rats that invade England

Some rats of the size of a cat are invading Britain, the curious thing, besides their size is that they are completely immune to poisons for traditional rats.Find out more about these strange events.

Mutant rats

It looks like a movie script from a Hollywoodense movie, giant rats invading the streets and houses of Great Britain and the worst is its gigantic size, 60 centimeters approximately.These animals have two characteristics that are driving the British crazy, the first is their great size and the second and maybe even more important is that they are immune to the poisons that are generally used to kill these rodents.

The giant rats that invade England

Apparently these rats are not the African ones, which tend to be even more large and aggressive.According to the experts, its great size is due to its custom of eating large quantities of food from the garbage of the specialized food stores. Others believe that it is a new species, since that there are even reports of it in Sweden, although they apparently found in England the ideal place to reproduce and live.

The most affected areas so far are London, Birmingham, Winchester and Salisbury, some point out that the poisons are not working because people do not place the appropriate dose, which causes the animal to become immune and grow rapidly in size, which is why some have started calling them Ratzilla or mutant rats .

African rats

African rats originating in Gambia They also stand out for their great size, they can measure between 55 and 80 centimeters of the argo, in addition they are usually more aggressive than normal.It is not in vain in Africa that several incidents have been recorded in which these animals have been responsible for the death of young children.

The giant rats that invade England

These African rats Have arrived in America, after an American man had them as pets and finally decided to release them.Since that time they have reproduced quickly and despite the efforts of the authorities to eradicate them has not achieved.

The town of Florida, Grassy Key , is one of the areas most affected by the attacks of these rats.The director of communications at the Miami Zoo, Ron Magill , I express that this species is a threat more than for humans, for plants and crops; I also assure you that it will be a titanic task, if not impossible, to eliminate them:

“They reproduce at a ridiculously high rate, so every time you think you are about to eliminate them, they go winning ”

It is important that residents of the affected areas take the relevant measures to try to catch these rats that represent a danger to both level of public hygiene as safety, especially in the case of the children smaller.

If you liked this post, you can not stop reading: "HeroRats", the rats that save thousands of lives around the world.

Image: jope Lines , Nacho , Sergey Yeliseev


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