Many times we have heard the term " acid rain " and generally relate it to the weather and possible contamination, but do you really know what it is? In Science Daily Online we explain it below.
What is acid rain?
The so-called acid rain is a atmospheric phenomenon that originates when acidic compounds are incorporated into the small droplets of water that make up the clouds.It is one of the main consequences related to air pollution that we all breathe the days.
This is a cycle that starts at the moment that industries, factory smoke or car engines emit sulfur oxides in the gaseous state that is transported through the winds to hundreds of kilometers.By burning different kinds of fuels considerable amounts of chemicals are released, which not only contain visible particles of gray color, but also have a wide variety of gases not visible, but very harmful for the environment .
Acidity values
In the troposphere , one of the layers that make up the atmosphere, sunlight in combination with oxygen and water, activates a reaction in the gases that produce new acids that return to the land with the rains.The acid rain is measured according to the pH scale: hydrogen potential .The smaller the pH value of a substance, the more acidic.As an example we can indicate that the water has a pH of approximately 7.0 and generally the pH value of the common rainfall is between 5 and 6, that is , slightly acid.However, in regions where the atmosphere is contaminated with acidifying substances, the rain can reach values of 3 or 4 pH or even somewhat lower.
The main chemical elements that they form the so-called «acid rain» they derive from natural sources (decomposing vegetation and volcanoes), and from artificial sources (emissions of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide) that come from combustion of fossil fuel .
These pollutants of primary type are capable of traveling enormous distances, moving through winds thousands of kilometers before precipitating along with drizzles, dew, rain, snow or fog.When these precipitations occur can cause significant deterioration in all the environment .
Images: Adcava, Mariano Grueiro
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