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What will humanity be like in 1000 years?
That is what has happened to the human species in the last 1000 years or so, but what will happen to us in the next millennium? Some scientists offer fascinating and provocative answers , about the color of our skin and the shape of our body, even how long we can live.
As we go further in the future , the increase in temperature, accompanied by the deterioration in the protective ozone layer, will make the skin darken as part of an evolutionary improvement, since it will protect us against UV rays.temperatures can also affect our size. We will have longer and thinner bodies to better dissipate excess body heat.
These remarkable changes would take more than 1000 years to appear, But the idea that the human being of the future will change his appearance so drastically is not new.In 2013, Pittsburgh-based artist Nickolay Lamm created science fiction illustrations that show similar ideas that humans might look like 100,000 years from now. The images are based on the hypotheses presented by Dr.Alan Kwan , an expert in computational genomics, and you can see them in the cover image of this article.
Dr.Kwan believes that our eyes could be 'bafflingly large' as a result of that the human race began to colonize the solar system and that people began to live in colonies farther from the sun.
Although all this is far away, it is also He has worried about the nearest future. According to Dr.Kwan, in less than four decades we will live longer, we will have children at a more advanced age and we will rely on artificial intelligence to do everyday tasks.
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Image: Nickolay Lamm
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