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12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

In Science Daily Online we love animals .We have presented you the fabulous benefits of having a dog and the advantages of having the company of a cat and we would not know which of the two we decide.introduce yourself to 12 phrases that you will love if you are one of those who love cats, dogs or both .

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

Although there is an eternal rivalry between cats and dogs, the truth is that their owners could not be more similar.The love they place in them is as powerful in one case as in another, and that is that you fall and little cats make each other love and make our hearts receive them as one more family member .Discover some phrases about them that you will love!

«There are two ways to protect ourselves from miseries of life: music and cats.»-Albert Schweitzer

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

2.« The more I know men, the more I love dogs.»-Charles de Gaulle

3." Many people talk to animals.But not so many listen to them.This is the problem."-AAMilne

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

4.« There is no greater gift than the love of a cat."-Charles Dickens

5." Never try to be more stubborn than a cat."-Robert A.Heinlein

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

6."If there are no dogs in the sky, then when I die I want to go where they go."-Will Rogers

7."Even the smallest cat is a masterpiece."-Leonardo da Vinci

8.«Adopt a dog It may be the only occasion in which a person experiences something similar to choosing a relative.»-Mordecai Siegal

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

9.« The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be valued by the way in which he treats his animals.»-Mahatma Gandhi

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

10." The average dog is a much nicer person than the average person."-Andy Rooney

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

11.«As we behave with cats here on earth, it will determine our status in heaven.»-Robert A.Heinlein

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

12.« Until one does not love to an animal, a part of its soul remains asleep.»-Anatole France

12 phrases for those who TRULY love cats and dogs

What do you think about these beautiful phrases?

In our opinion they are very, but that very successful.Cats and dogs not only make us company, they also make us less prone to depression and we feel happier, they make suffer less illness from different types and less stress , thanks to their attitude and they can save our lives, among other wonderful things.They give us all this without expecting anything more in return than our dedication and affection.


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