Among the big felids or felids, one of the most fascinating is the tiger.Share with your family companions characteristics such as having a slender body, a sharp ear, being carnivorous, having a short snout and in general a excellent view , but it also has particular qualities such as the scratched body or its great intelligence.There are many adjectives to define this fierce animal, solitary and territorial, but not all do it justice.Join us to know 20 Curiosities of the Tiger, surprising data that will surely excite you.
The word «tiger» comes from the Latin «tigri» which in turn took the voice of the Greek «tigris» that came from ancient Persian «Tigra».It means fast, sharp or sharp.Linguists point out that it could possibly be applied to the tiger because of its speed when compared with an arrow.
20 Curiosities of the Tiger that you might not know
Let's get into these 20 curiosities of the tiger, the biggest of the four big cats that exist in the world!
1 .The oldest tiger fossils are about 2 million years and have been found in various parts of China.These fossils have characteristics very similar to tigers The first of these curiosities of the tiger is that it has adapted and come to this day.
2 .However, the tigers are currently in danger of extinction. There are 6 species of which there are still specimens, although most of them in captivity: the Bengal tiger, the most numerous, the Indochina tiger, the Malay tiger, the Sumatran, the Amur and the tiger South China.
3 .Among the tiger species that have become extinct are: the Bali tiger that became extinct in 1937 due to mass hunting, the Java tiger extinct in the deca from the 70s of the 20th century and the Caspian tiger whose last specimen was hunted in 1959.
4 .One of the curiosities of the tiger is that lives only in Asia .Except the copies of the parks! In 2015, the world population of wild tigers was estimated between 3,000 and 4,000 mature specimens, which contrasts with the nearly 100,000 that were at the beginning of the 20th century.
5 .the nineteenth century the human being experiment crossing tigers and lions.The ligre is the result of a lion father and a tiger mother .You can learn more about this animal and other hybrids in Science Daily Online's article: 20 real Hybrid Animals.
6 .If a male tiger and a lioness come together , their offspring will be a tigron or tigon .If you want to know more about the tigron you will find it at the entrance: Curiosities about ligres and tigrons.
7 .Tigers are the biggest felids and can measure up to 3'6 meters long and weigh more than 300k g.
8 .Tigers usually give birth to 3 to 4 tiger cubs that will remain by their side until about two years of age.
9 .We all know that cats are not friends of water.Most animals in the family of the felids flee from it.However, tigers are good swimmers and when it is hot they often cool in streams or pools.They can swim up to 6 km.
10 One of the problems for which the population of tigers drastically decreases is that half the offspring do not reach two years of age and die before reaching the age to mate.adults usually live around 15 years in the wild and 20 in captivity.The Siberian tiger is the longest and usually reaches 25 years.
11 .Tigers are carnivorous and feed basically on large mammals such as deer, wild boar, buffalo or antelopes.They stalk their victims quietly until they are close enough to jump them to the neck or the neck and kill them with a bite.
12 The roar of the tigers is so powerful that can be heard up to 3 km away. away.
13 .Some naturalists claim that the tiger is capable to imitate the sound of some of the animals that prey.It deceives them and when they approach confident they kill them.
14 .Although we see them large and seemingly heavy, one of the curiosities The tiger is that they are agile and fast, being able to reach 65 km per hour .
15 .Same as human footprints, each tiger has an exclusive striped pattern .There are not two tigers that lu zcan the same pattern.
16 .The tiger stripes are very colorful for us, but in reality they are camouflage.Their victims, generally ungulate, do not have good vision and it is difficult to distinguish the yellowish colors of their fur with the sandy bottom.
17 .Another of the curiosities of the tigers are white spots that have on the back of the ears .As they simulate eyes, they allow the tiger cubs to stay safe from the predators that approach them from behind.They make it seem bigger and with the fixed gaze on the possible attacker.
18 .Tigers' ears can rotate and use them as if they were a radar.
19 .Among the animals with white fur White tigers are very rare and this particularity is due to a gene that is only present in one in 10,000 tigers.
20 .Tigers, sometimes, also kill and eat people .It's not common, but it is The tiger is old, injured or ill and cannot hunt normally, it will look for an easy prey.If the tiger tastes human flesh and likes it, it will be necessary to hunt it to protect the population.
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We hope you have been interested in learning more about the eldest of the felids.And now, tell us did you know all these curiosities about the tiger? Do you have more curious facts about him? No Stop sharing them with us, we will be happy to read you!
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