We can find all kinds of tips on happiness on the Internet, but the truth is that maybe-even if they are hung with the best of intentions-they will not be useful, because each person is a world and they have been expressed since subjectivity.However, if there is something objective that we can trust is science, in this case more concrete, neuroscience.
3 Rituals that will make you happy according to the neuroscience
The neuroscience is that discipline that is responsible for studying your nervous system and thanks to it some tips have been discovered to help you be happier. This is what neuroscientists have discovered to contribute to our quest for happiness:
1.The most important question when we feel down
Sometimes you don't feel your brain He wants you to be happy, maybe you feel guilty or ashamed of something.Why do you do this to yourself? Believe it or not, guilt and shame activate the brain's reward center. Despite their differences, pride, shame and guilt activate similar neuronal circuits, including the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, the tonsil, the insula and the nucleus accumbens.Curiously, pride is the most powerful of the emotions mentioned in the activation of these regions, except in the nucleus accumbens, where guilt and shame win.This explains why it can be so attractive (and easy) to take the blame or feel shame of ourselves .We are activating the reward center of the brain.
But guilt, shame and worry are something horrible to long term, when they extend too much in time.So what do neuroscientists say you should do? According to his research, it is best to ask yourself the following question: Why am I grateful? Gratitude is impressive...but does it really affect my brain at a biological level? you will be asking-well, yes, do you know what Prozac does? It increases the serotonin neurotransmitter, and so does gratitude.In addition, gratitude towards others increases activity in the social circuits of dopamine, which makes interactions with other people more enjoyable for you.
Do not hesitate, when you are "down" and can not lift your spirits, remember the advice of neuroscience: "For what things am I grateful in my life?".
2.Tag your negative emotions
You feel horrible.Well, give that "horrible" name a specific name.Do you feel… sad? Anxious? Angry? In a study based on images by functional magnetic resonance imaging, entitled "Putting Name to Feelings," participants saw images of people with emotional facial expressions.Predictably, each participant's tonsil was activated against emotions in the image.When asked to name the emotion, the active ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and reduced the emotional reactivity of the tonsil.In other words, conscious recognition of emotions, simply identifying them, reduced their impact.
To reduce arousal, it is necessary to use only a few words to describe an emotion, and ideally use symbolic language, which means using indirect metaphors, metrics and simplifications of your experience.This requires activating your prefront cortex.al, which reduces the excitation of the limbic system.Here is the bottom line: Describing an emotion in just a word or two will help you reduce its intensity.
3.Taking that decision
Have you ever made a decision and then your brain has finally felt at rest? It's not a casual thing.Brain science shows that making decisions reduces worry and anxiety, as well as helping to solve problems .Making decisions includes the creation of intentions and the establishment of objectives, all start from the neural circuits themselves and participate in the prefrontal cortex in a positive way, reducing worry and anxiety.
Making decisions also helps to overcome the activity of the striatum, which usually attracts you to negative impulses and routines.Finally, making decisions changes your perception of the world, finding solutions to your problems and calming the system Limbic.
Well, there are 3 rituals that-although they seem complicated because of their explanation-they are very simple.To be happier: when you're sad ask yourself why things you should be grateful, name Negative feelings when you get mugged and don't be afraid to make a decision it is, solving problems or helping to do it because-like all these actions-they will make you feel happier, and science says so!
Don't be afraid and make the decision to seek happiness, starting For these easy rituals!
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Image: (c) Can Stock Photo/gpointstudio, Moyan Brenn and Sweet&Sadistic
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