Sometimes, it is not so easy to differentiate the weak line that separates life from death. Cardiac arrest and a brain that ceases to show activity should be sufficient signs that our body lacks already of the gift of life.However, there are many cases that have occurred throughout history in which people reacted to that state of inactivity returning , so to speak, of the own death.
The catalepsy may come to your mind right now, that disease that already illustrated us Edgar Allan Poe in «The premature burial "A disease of the nervous system in which the person stops showing vital signs for a period of time not too long.If today there are still terrible cases of people who have been mistakenly killed, we can not help thinking about the past centuries, at that time where science was considered heresy ong> and in which mistakes could be as frequent as fatal.
It is worth deepening this topic as a curiosity, but also understanding in the first person how terrible these experiences continue to occur in our To this end, we will build on an interesting book entitled " Premature Burial: How It May Be Prevented " by Walter Hadwen, William Tebb and Edward Perry Vollum.
Ready ?
Real cases of people who were buried alive
There are many occasions when chance has allowed to perform a miracle at the last moment. Burials who listen to a subtle sound inside a coffin, doctors who at the last moment realize the error or wakefulness in which the surprise arises, to horror-and later joy-of those present, from within the coffin.fortunate because, unfortunately, we have to say that in most cases we discover the tragedy years later, when it is too late.
The case of the girl from India
We are in the 19th century, exactly in 1871.Mary lives in Calcutta , is 17 years old and spends much of his time alone because his only family is an adoptive mother who is always traveling.Unfortunately, he has the bad luck of getting the cholera, very common in that area.After agonizing and suffering long days of fevers and pains, she is declared dead by a doctor and is ordered to be immediately buried.
No one objected to that immediacy, given the risk of contagion, so that in a few hours I took her to the French cemetery in Calcutta.And no, this story has no happy ending .No one wanted to approach the pantheon, nobody heard her screams or her cries when Mary woke up hours later , seeing where he was.The tragedy was discovered 10 years later, when they discovered the coffin was open inside the pantheon and on it was a young woman's skeleton.She had a broken skull, which suggests that, probably because of fainting or exhaustion, she fell forward hitting with the slab of a slab.Terrible, no doubt.
The woman who was speechless
This story was recorded by a Berkshire doctor in her personal notes.young woman who had been in the tropical areas with her husband for several months, since he served as an officer in one of the British colonies of the nineteenth century.
The woman after giving birth suffered a strike cardiac and, despite the fact that doctors did the impossible to save his life, it was useless.Then, they began to wash it, to fix it and to shroud it to be buried, at the same time that the coffin was brought.
A curious detail is that they couldn't close their eyelids, so they had no choice but to leave it that way, but just at the moment when one of the nurses caressed her to say goodbye to her , she realized that she seemed to breathe, that she seemed to react… and gave the alarm voice.She had no breath or pulse, and her blood did not flow, how could it be? The doctors They said it was impossible, that she was dead, but the nurse did not give up.Do you know what she did? Take some bird feathers and burn them, letting the smoke enter the woman's nose.And indeed, the girl reacted.
He had suffered a kind of trance after giving birth.But that if, after that, he could not speak for many months … Precisely, the cases of women who have been buried alive and pregnant are very frequent.The case of Lavrinia Merli, a young woman from Mantua who was buried in 1890 is very familiar.Days later, they approached again to finish the unfinished works of the niche when they realized that the coffin, was overturned in the pantheon and Lavrinia, was not alone.She had given birth in solitude but, unfortunately, both the mother and the son were dead.
A current case of premature burial
We are in Yorkshire, England in 1996. Maureen Jones is diabetic and 65 years old.He has a normal life, surrounded by his children and grandchildren, until one day he suffers a stroke and is considered dead.A whole family disaster that they do not know how to assume.The son, shattered, calls the doctors who certify his death and minutes later the funeral car arrives.
Just at the moment when the funeral home workers they take to enter it in the coffin, they realize that it moves.What is happening? Is Mrs.Jones alive? The men at the funeral home do not doubt it and immediately perform a cardiac massage, until Mrs.Jones's eyelids opened.
She had suffered a diabetic coma .After this lived many more years, of course, but there was no night when it didn't sound that it had been buried alive...!
Image: Mariano Garcia-Gaspar, Curious Expeditions, Liqueur Felix, Juan Buchelli
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