You often hear about it and it is logical that it is so, because many elements studied by quantum physics are increasingly present in our daily lives, and although physics is one of the oldest scientific disciplines and has had moments Stellar from the Greeks to the present day, what Max Planck did in 1900, when opening this extraordinary field of knowledge, is only comparable with the contributions of geniuses like Newton or Einstein .
However, for the general public, quantum mechanics or physics remains a region of knowledge closer to magic than to science, for its complexity and for the difficulty to understand some of its concepts.Here we offer some basic data that you should know about this matter.
8 basic things that you would like to know about quantum physics
1.There are to start at the beginning, by the origin of the term "quantum." Planck i I tried to get a plausible explanation of how the radiation and the emission of light worked, and in its calculations it ran into an infinitely small number or constant, a fixed number with 34 zeros to the left which, incorporated into the equations, I conclude that light was not a continuous flow of energy , but was made up of very small and indivisible pulsations which I call " quaint ".Planck was 42 years old when he made this discovery, for which he would receive the Nobel 18 years later.
2.Aceptions such as the "Planck constant", the "Planck Law" and the "Planck Postulate" They give an idea of the importance of this man for modern physics, so it is not surprising that today the research center in this field and in that of higher mathematics in Germany is the Max Planck Institute .
3.Quantum theory is primarily about the behavior of atoms , which apparently act in a different way to other elements of greater size in the universe, such as planets and stars, which has made there exist practically two physics: one that we could call general and another dedicated to the physically small, which would be the quantum.
4.One of the great challenges of the twentieth century that has not yet been solved in the creation of a theory of unified fields: that harmoniously the principles of the theory of relativity with those of quantum physics.
5.Thanks to the postulates of quantum physics, research could be carried out that led to the development of the laser, fluorescent tube and electronics in general.
6.There are elements of quantum physics that touch the fantastic and test our ability d to understand reality at the level of atoms.For example: an electron can pass from one place to another without going through an intermediate space, as if it were "teleporting", or occupy more than one space at a time, as if ubiquitous.Both things are not understandable or acceptable in classical physics.
7.More about Max Planck: his father tried to convince him to study something else, because in physics «everything was done» He witnessed two world wars and in the second he opposed the Nazis and the persecution of his Jewish colleagues (he was a great friend of Einstein).
Believe in tolerance, and in what science and religion could coexist.
8.In the universe of atoms there is a lot of space and everything is in motion, and that is why as a joke, and as an example, some quantum physics theorists say that if you support your hand in a wall for long enough, you will end up going through it.Sure, it could take about ten billion years, and maybe your feet will end up hurting from standing so much.
You probably heard the term quantum as an adjective of other disciplines and theories that may not be precisely "scientific", such as quantum medicine, quantum philosophy, and even socialism or quantum! Maybe in those cases you should approach with a critical attitude, because it is quite certain that they have nothing to do with the quantum mechanics that governs the infinitely small, discovered by the great Max Planck.
We invite you to read our article about the amazing theory about the interpretation of multiple worlds.
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