We have previously talked about the best schools in the world, where older students are offered freedom to investigate, to imagine and even to play.This is the case, for example, of Summerhill, that famous English institution that successfully replicated in some parts of the world, although not with the desired frequency or quantity.
The question that always arises is solve, improve and optimize the years in which children study and acquire values and habits to live in society and grow happily .There are many initiatives dotted by the planet, today we present one of the British Council School of Great Britain.
This institution, concerned about achieving greater parental involvement in the education of their children and providing them with a healthy and harmonious environment in the classrooms, published a guide, The 9 keys of the happy student , with which he intends to significantly improve the education provided and stimulate the development of children to make them solidarity, conscious and happy people.It is also a way to avoid child bullying, harassment and other s negative attitudes.The guide was written by Claudia Jaime-Xibixell , a child psychologist and a professor at the British Council School.She points out:
“Life presents us with challenges people.That is why it is important that we teach boys and girls to learn to generate their own well-being.”
Let's see what secrets this British institution proposes.
9 keys of the happy student
1.The school must be a safe and friendly place based on respect
Both administrative and teaching staff, the manager, and even the Cleaning should share certain guidelines or standards, which convey to students respect for people of any age and condition.The psychologist says that the key here is to "function as a family", work as a team and share achievements and failures.
2.Learn to manage emotions
Manage and channel emotions, promote the development of intel Emotional autonomy are ways children can learn to manage frustration.
3.Promote sports, arts and music
It is more than proven that when a child learns music elevates its academic performance.On the other hand, the arts (literature, theater, painting, etc.) help to awaken the imagination, and sport promotes teamwork.
The artistic, kinestesic and musical intelligences are considered by experts in education as essential elements within the so-called multiple intelligences .
4.Promote reading
In an increasingly technified world and “Taken” by audiovisual elements, reading still continues to be one of the activities that best promote emotional and psychic health, and gives those who enjoy it abilities to express themselves, in tend to others, be creative and establish more consistent criticisms.
In this sense, the role of the school and the teachers is to bridge, establish an approach to books that talk about common experiences-because they are typical of age-, or guides or manuals that explain how to face certain difficulties. But all from pleasure .
5.Promote the game
Playful activities are crucial to generate responsibility in their work for children, it helps them to organize themselves in school tasks and to plan, among many other things.
The game is important because it allows the child to imagine something and stage it with their toys, alone or in company.A child who plays will be a happy child, who will learn to be creative in his duties.
6.Harmonize leisure and study time
La feli City depends on many things, and one of them is the achievement of the balance between study and fun.
But to do this you must study become an activity integrated into a routine, where after the effort a reward is received-in this case, free time-this also promotes a enthusiastic and cheerful mood .
7.Impulse solidarity and social conscience
A person should know that a solidarity action towards others or towards oneself makes them better and happier.
The knowledge of that even the smallest act has important consequences on other people makes a child feel even more proud of what he can do.
8.Generate quieter moods and eliminate fear of failure
The emotional development of children necessarily passes through being able to experience tranquility.The school environment, then, must be protected from instability and disorientation to achieve a fruitful working spirit in students, the constancy of effort and the value of task planning.Peace of mind is an excele The antidote against attention deficit disorders or aggressive behaviors .
On the other hand, failures or conflicts make us grow and mature.Society, in this case, education, It has a duty to train children as resilient and flexible beings, able to respect others and build healthy and enriching relationships with people. Learning to accept failures and do something constructive with it will be one of the best lessons .
9.Generate relationships of trust between the family and the school
Both the school and the family are jointly responsible for building trust in students.Therefore, communication should be as open as possible and cover topics from academic to behavioral and emotional education of children.
A happy boy knows and feels present in the priorities of his home and your school.
Spreading these recommendations may be important for others to Ises improve your educational quality and keep in mind the happiness of the student.A happy child and with tools for his future, will have more chances of becoming a happy and full adult.Do you agree? And if you liked the article, then don't miss the 5 puzzles that children solve in seconds.
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