Is that possible, that we can have other humans' DNA in our own body? No, we are not telling you the script of a science fiction movie, we talk about a much more common reality than we thought.
Join us to discover it.
Can our body contain DNA of other humans?
Peter Kramer and his colleague Paola Bressan, from the University of Padua, in Italy, are investigating a phenomenon they have called “microchimerism.” And, apparently, the character of “phenomenon "It would not be such, since the incidence in humans is quite high, beyond what we can imagine.
Now, what is that of microchimerism ? Let's start by defining the term chimera; in Greek mythology, it was an imaginary monster that had a lion's head, goat's belly and dragon's tail, which also vomited flames.In other words, a mixture of several different beings in the same body.If we apply the word microchimerism to the human condition, we would have the presence in our organism of a small number of cells from another individual and, therefore, genetically different from our own cells.Yes, something very strange arises: is it that we are not unique, our component genetic contains other things, in addition to our parents' genes?
The answer is a surprising and resounding YES , we are many within our body.Do not worry, do not suffer from schizophrenia or You need an exorcism, it's just a new field of study that has opened so much to science The genetic as to the psychological, where there are records that our DNA can be mixed, and in fact it does, with the DNA of other humans, and even parasites and microbes.But, how does it happen?
Although little is still known about the subject, the suspected hypothesis is that we can collect DNA from other humans while we are fetuses and are in the womb, or between twins exchanging genetic information through various organs (liver, brain, etc..) or even of an older brother who has left his DNA in our mother's cells.
It is somewhat shocking because of the incredible, isn't it? In search of more information, an investigation was carried out in 63 mothers, and it was observed that many had male cells in their brains.
Given this situation, the researchers have shown certain theories, in which it would be explained that when a woman is pregnant, it is possible that baby's cells pass into her body through the placenta.As a curious fact, they observed that this fact seemed to decrease the possibility that in a future the mother developed Alzheimer's, although they have not come up with a satisfactory or plausible explanation.However, some scientists have begun to wonder if these “alien” cells can influence the woman's mind during pregnancy.
In the aforementioned study they encountered a few very strange cases, in which they got male cells in women who had never been pregnant or given birth.In these cases, the DNA could possibly be transferred for older brother to the mother, and later to her.
In fact, there is increasing evidence that during pregnancy there are cases in which the egg is fertilized by two sperm cells, but for some reason only one Survive and then absorb all the cells of the other.Literally, there are two people in one .
Kramer points out that we are not unitary individuals, but rather super organisms in which multiple genetic materials coexist that determine our way of being, our behavior and our identity.
We are facing an exciting topic, without a doubt, and with all the possibilities open to investigate.The more data collected from the human being, the less we can be sure of our certainties, don't you think?
We invite you to stay with us for a while to read more DNA in the Space: Unexpected Results.
Images: Giacomo Carena, Alessandro, Victor Svensson, Bill Strain
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