Although the image of the Disney company parks is a mouse , they don't want to see them swarming through their enclosures.It is normal for rodents to abound in a place where a large amount of edible waste , but it is not pleasant to see them.The company decided to use a natural system to eliminate them . Cats that work at Disney.Did you know?
Cats that work at Disney.Did you know?
We don't know if Walt Disney had a great sympathy for cats.He has movies like "The Aristocats" or the "Oliver and his gang", but next to him we find very bad cats like Lucifer, Cinderella's cat, Si and Am, the Siamese sisters of "The Lady and the Tramp" or Pete Pata Palo.In any case, the companies that I think they were able to give them a home and keep them in the facilities of their parks .
In 1955 , when Disneyland opened, in the area lived a lot of stray cats that they saw as it was built in its territory.They remained in it and specifically settled in the Sleeping Beauty Castle.When Walt Disney and his engineers visited the facilities they were found there.Unfortunately they suffered a flea infestation and had to be collected to disinfect and they were distributed among the park workers.However, some of those cats lived outside the castle and from there came the idea of including them in staff.
Being an outdoor park, it didn't get rid of the problem of mice and cats were delighted at that hunting ground free of the dangers that normally lurk them in the street.Usually cats went hunting at night when the park was empty of people and did not bother executives decided to go one step further.Not only would they allow them to live there, but they would take care of and maintain .Stray cats don't usually approach people and are more effective than any Human antiplagas .
A few feeding stations were established around the park to eat when there is not enough hunting and some programs to the population of cats stay stable .Those in charge of other animals such as horses or goats that go out in the spectacles, take care of them and provide them with medical care if they need them.Otherwise, Their life is very similar to that of any stray cat .They usually go out at night and doze during the day, although it is not uncommon to see them walking or taking a nap anywhere in the park.
Currently in both Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, there is a population of some 200 cats who work at Disney and live without problems in perfect symbiosis with the needs of the company.
What do you think of the idea? Have you seen cats in your visits to a Disney park? If you like articles about cats, you may want to know the legend of the origin of cats and Noah's Ark.
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