It sure makes you angry when you start having an attack of hiccups that you can't stop.Drinking water, giving you a scare and stop breathing are some of the most common techniques to try to stop the hiccups.Charles Osborne, it seems that none of these techniques to remove the hiccups worked...Today in Science Daily Online we tell you the story of Charles Osborne, the man with the longest hiccup attack in history .How much time do you bet? how hard? Find out everything below!
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Charles Osborne: the Man with the Most Hippo in the World
As we told you in our entry on What is the Hiccup and what are the Causes of Hiccup, it is a way of breathing characterized by its urgency, by appearing suddenly and by the contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles.When we have hiccups, the glottis closes the trachea for an approximate time of 35 milliseconds, causing the famous "hip" that annoys us so much and that gives name to this condition.
How long has the hypo attack lasted longer than you have had? Minutes? Maybe hours? The story of Charles Osborne overcomes both assumptions, and that is hiccups for more than 68 years ! In fact, this American entered the Guinness World Record as the person with the longest hiccup attack in history.And it is not for less.
However, and contrary to what you can To think, our protagonist did not have hiccups throughout his life (although he did during much of this).It is told that the story of his hiccup began in 1922 while he was hanging a pig to wake it up in the slaughterhouse .While I was lifting him, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.
At the exact moment when our protagonist fell to the ground, he says he felt nothing, but the doctor who would see him later would explain that a small blood vessel broke in his brain , which was in charge of the part that inhibits hiccups, causing it to become unusable.
1.How life changed Charles Osborne since he had hiccups?
Thereafter, Charles’s life changed dramatically ; this would be characterized with an average of 40 hiccups per minute that progressively, over the years, went down to 20 per minute.According to the calculations from the accident until its disappearance, it is considered that Charles could have nothing less than 400 million hiccups throughout his life .
Anyway, this new condition did not prevent Charles Osborne from leading a" normal "life: Charles married (in fact, two times), he had eight children and also participated in many television programs due to the fame that his curious condition gave him at that time. Charles adapted to his condition and made the daily hypo part of his life , I accept him and lived with him in harmony.
Charles Osborne, the man with the most hiccups in the world, finally died at age 97, but it seems that, a year before his death, the hiccup miraculously disappeared , allowing him a small and deserved year of rest to enjoy his last days of life in total tranquility.
2.Charles Osborne is NOT the only prolonged victim of hiccups
However, Charles is not the only person who has had a long attack of hiccups.Although to a lesser extent, there is a more current case of hiccups: Christopher Sands.A man from Great Britain who I got to hiccup 10 million times between February 2007 and spring 2009 .
This implies that he was 2 years without almost sleeping or eating.Finally, it was discovered that the hiccups were caused by a tumor that pushed the nerves of his brain stem , causing him to hiccup every 2 seconds for approximately 12 hours a day.Terrible! You'll be glad to know that your hiccups ended in 2009 after being surgically operated.
The case of Charles Osborne on video
In addition to the story of Charles Osborne, do not miss…
If the story of Charles Osborne has seemed interesting and you are still hungry for curiosities related to hiccups, do not forget that in our blog also we tell you why Give the hiccups in babies , a much more common phenomenon than you think.Also, as in Science Daily Online we watch for your good, we also want to inform you about How to remove the hiccups , so you know how react if you ever suffer.
If, on the other hand, what interests you is to know other cases as extraordinary as that of Charles Osborne, we recommend that you do not miss the story of Roy Sullivan , the man who defied all statistics surviving the impact of 7 rays .
As you can see, hiccups are a very common condition.All people have had hiccups at least once in life! (Luckily, for short episodes of time.) Tell us, do you know any other interesting facts about hiccups? Do you usually give yourself a lot of hiccups for any particular reason? Do you know any other curiosity about the life of Charles Osborne? Leave us your comments in the comments! 128578; We would love to discover them!
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