A new and interesting tool developed by geneticists from the Australian University of Adelaide , can determine what percentage of cavemen own the societies of each European country.And you, do you think that you descend from the caveman or not?
You descend from the caveman? Find out if you have European ancestors!
A tool developed by the scientific page New Scientist is able to determine how much of the caveman our European societies have. This test is based in the research carried out by geneticists from the University of Adelaide.The group of scientists sought to determine what civilizations inhabited the lands of what is now known as the old continent or Europe.
Scientists in charge of carrying out this interesting investigation had to analyze hundreds of human remains found throughout Europe.The main objective of this research was to establish their origin.
In order to reach the results that today can be determined through the application of New Scientist , they had to determine the different factors that establish the DNA mix of the cavemen who lived in each region.
According to scientists, there are three key civilizations that defined the entire area at the genetic level.These are hunter-gatherers, Neolithic farmers and steppe shepherds .Those responsible for important advances such as: domestic horses and the wheel.It is believed that the societies of the Central Europe have in their DNA mixture a genetic trace of at least 75% of steppe shepherds .
If you have European ancestors it is you map and its data will interest you.Do you have Spanish ancestors? Surely they were either Neolithic farmers or shepherds of the steppe, but it is unlikely that they were cavemen!
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