If we conduct a search about the evolution of the human species, we immediately present the comparative table with the different species that have happened from the homo genus until we reach the homo-sapiens sapiens , our species current for 130,000 years but, since then man has not evolved again or on the contrary this evolution of the human being continues its progress, only perhaps it is less obvious? Let's see what are the signs of the evolution of our days.
Do you know that the evolution of human beings has NOT stopped? Discover how we are changing
Perhaps the theory of evolution as conceived by Charles Darwin in 1809 does not have the same influence in the future of the human species and that natural selection is no longer a threat that chooses individuals with more capacity to adapt to the environment that surrounds them, but not because of this the human race has stopped evolving, if not that now that progress responds more to other factors that depend directly on the advances of the same men in different fields such as: medicine, agriculture and technology in general, making the destiny of the species is transformed, as it has always done, to adapt to the environment.
So we see that in the last 2000 years the " modern man no ” has also undergone some evolutionary changes: the most remarkable is longevity, since life expectancy has practically doubled from an average of 40 years to an average of 80 years.And next to this change or derived from it we have an increase in the reproductive period that occurs thanks to premature development and a later menopause in women, which allows the conception to occur at the most favorable moment in which it offers greater guarantee of success to This new generation.In these changes, advances in medicine and everything related to food have surely intervened.
Another sign of evolution is found in a greater resistance of the immune system of current men to infections and diseases, The result of the mixture between the different races and villages.Something that has seen a greater impulse thanks to the conquests, the trips and the ability of man to move further and further.Other signs of evolution are the brain volume reduction of up to 10% less , the equivalent of a tennis ball, due to the creation of devices that facilitate intellectual work in such a way that the gray matter of the brain has been reduced.you see, the evolution of the human being in recent years is making a dent in us with his good things and with his less good things.Tell us your opinion.
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Images: Travis, Clinica CentroBy: Clínica Centro, Flavia Curcuraci, ToThePoint Mag ,, (c) Can Stock Photo/tolokonov, (c) Can Stock Photo/tolokonov
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