Are you one of those who when you get home is barefoot immediately? There is no greater pleasure than feeling free, delighting in the comfort of bare feet adapting to the surfaces, feeling the cold of the ground, of the sheets, noting the heat of the sand on the beach or the humidity of the fresh grass...
Relax, please our body and unite us to the earth .Although it is very possible that this practice has caused you the occasional little accident: blows, cuts, kinks...That's when Doubt appears Is it really healthy to walk barefoot?
Today in Science Daily Online we want to talk to you about this very common practice
1.Walking barefoot at home is very healthy
Getting home and removing socks, socks, sneakers or heels instantly is very appropriate, although we must pay attention that the floor is clean and there are no dangers, with which, to harm us.
Podiatrists tell us that it is very healthy especially in summer , the foot needs to relax especially for that type of footwear that we usually wear at this time.Sometimes «it is the foot that must hold the shoe and not the other way around», something that almost always occurs with certain types of sandals, which do not respect the foot morphology.
2.Enjoying the surfaces
According to numerous osteopaths , walking on safe surfaces that are rough, flat, cold , or temperate but without sharp inclinations, improves the biomechanics of the foot, and the balance of our body.
3.Benefits for babies and the elderly
If your baby is starting to walk, take off his shoes and put it on a flat and safe surface.All this will make its development progress based on that motor neuronal interconnection in which, it is experiencing the terrain, the movements and the environment.
Day by day you will feel safer and improve your motor skills .And for the elderly? Have you ever wondered if older people should walk barefoot? Yes, for some time throughout the day.It is a relaxing and therapeutic exercise.
Let them walk through the fresh grass, feel their tickle, their relief, the emotion of that wet land that will bring them without doubt Endless emotions, memories to relive.Something so simple, vital and "human" can be a benefit to our health.
And now tell us... Do you like to walk barefoot? Remember, if you liked this article, discover Abebe Bikila, the Ethiopian who won a barefoot marathon.
Image: nicolee_camacho, colorblindPICASO
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