Our dear dogs and cats, those pets that are part of the family, can also present dementia .If you see that your pet is disoriented, does not recognize you or does not respond in the same way to stimuli , it is very likely that they are already sick.
We explain a little more so that you can prepare and give the necessary care so that your last moments are not so hard.
Your pet suffer from dementia? These are the symptoms
In a report of the Daily Mail , there is talk of an investigation carried out at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), where it was found that half of the cats older than 15 years, and a third of those between 11 and 14, suffer from dementia; also, another study indicated that 41% of dogs aged 14 years or older, and 23% of those over 12 also suffer from it.
Why is this? Researchers believe that is the result of the fact that the life expectancy of these pets has increased .Ironically, extreme care, expensive food, medications, surgeries and everything we do for our pets to extend them life has, in many cases, a very sad outcome: dementia.
The main form of dementia in animals is called" cognitive dysfunction syndrome ", which is a degenerative brain disease strikingly similar to Alzheimer's in people.
As in humans, brain areas stop working properly, leading to learning problems, memory, sleep patterns, social interaction and even continence ( sphincter control).
Jon Bowen, honorary professor of behavior in small animals at the Royal Veterinary College in London, says:
" Many years ago we used to not see pets live 16, 17 years or more, and today it is usual.Their brains did not evolve to live so long, and therefore they collapse.To some extent, they are the owners of these animals responsible for the increase in dementia.”
Scientists still do not explain satisfactorily why some animals are affected and others are not, although they have seen that the loss associated with the age of the function Cognitiveness in dogs and cats is linked to structural changes similar to those of the human brain: an accumulation of a protein called amyloid in brain tissue.This protein accumulates in the nerve cells of the brain and alters its functioning.
The deterioration is usually progressive and the more to If the diagnosis is better, your pet will have a better treatment.
As for the symptoms, these are some that the scientists managed to establish, a series of questions to which we, as owners, will answer:
- Do you forget to make your needs in your usual places, or to seek attention?
- Do you vocalize repeatedly or for no apparent reason?
- Are you lost? Or is it confused at home?
- Do you properly recognize family members, or familiar people?
- Do they stare around you, as if they did not recognize where they are?
- Are you wandering aimlessly, and don't seem to know the usual path?
- Are you irritable, sleep more during the day and restless at night?
- Do you respond less to stimuli?
If you have answered three or more questions in the affirmative, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian, so he can indicate the best way to From now on, this family member, dear and irreplaceable, be treated.
And if you want to know how your dog ages, click here.
Images: Artur Staszewski , Phil Romans , Dimitri Torterat , JustShot., FrANk.H ^.^
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