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Flirt: 5 science tips

What advice would you give someone about flirting? The truth is that we are genetically predisposed to flirt.If there is no flirting, there is no sex, and if there is no sex, there is no reproduction.So, the survival of the species depends on our flirting.What are the basic keys to this natural courtship? Join us to discover them!

COQUETEAR: 5 science tips

1.Eye contact

This is the most important component of flirting .Looking at someone directly in the eyes shows that you are paying special attention, and also attracts the eye of the other subject.

Flirt: 5 science tips

But please, don't turn it into a contest if there is someone who can stand longer without blinking, you can scare someone.

2.Body language

When we talk about flirting, what we say is not very important.In fact, according to one study, what we have is only 7% in weight, as we say 38% , And our body language 55% ! According to this, people who are better at flirting demonstrate the so-called "social domain" during which they take advantage of the "maximization of space", expanding through it and demonstrating confidence in the environment.

3.The imitation

According to Syracuse University professor Joe Fanelli , who teaches about human sexuality, we like similar people , so that similarity is a key factor in the attraction.

Flirt: 5 science tips

These similarities can take the form of common interests , but also the false similarity through the physical imitation .A study from The Journal of Nonverbal Behavior found that couples who are flirting often mimic the physical movements of the other.

4.Stop flirting

Apparently one of the keys to this process is also to stop flirting, change the subject, talk or even look for an excuse to leave.Thus, we leave the other person wanting more.


This includes touching oneself (like when we are talking, we touch our hair, neck, etc...) or subtly touching the other person (always do it if it is clear that this He doesn't care.)

All this happens below the conscious level, which suggests that perhaps the best way to be good flirting is to not think too much about it .So relax, let the evolution take the reins!

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to find a stable partner on the Internet ? We tell you in this article

Image: Tom Simpson, Tjook and Theophilos Papadopoulos via Flickr


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