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Get out of the water you wrinkle! Discover why

You get into the bath , you forget the time that passes and your fingers wrinkle! Why is this happening? Something that baffles us and dislikes us quite a bit, since the sensation of having wrinkled fingers usually doesn't like anything.

Today you will discover the similarity between your fingers wrinkling and neumatics.

The body is wise

Our body reacts to various situations in naturally , by default.Many times we can't find an explanation.In the case of wrinkled fingers, the explanation is clear.Fingers are wrinkled in order to improve the grip of objects .

Get out of the water you wrinkle! Discover why

In a study, published in the magazine Biology Letters, volunteers were asked to pick up wet marbles of different sizes.First they did it with dry hands and then with wrinkled fingers, after being half an hour in water hot.

Their relationship with the tires

The result of the study was that people were faster with marbles if they had wrinkled fingers than dry ones, so fingers wrinkled to have a greater control of wet, slippery or underwater objects .Only, for these specific cases.

Get out of the water you wrinkle! Discover why

But, this not only happens with our hands, what about our feet? The toes also wrinkle, even if we are less aware of it.It all works the same function as the Tire tracks , as they allow a greater grip, especially when the road is wet.

Now that you know why they wrinkle Do not bother with your fingers! It is a natural reaction that allows us to adapt to situations, in this case, wet.

Image: Sharon Drummond, Jarbas Ribeiro, sashidawn


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