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How to survive unrequited love

It is often said that there is no greater emotional suffering than unrequited love , that living with feelings that are not recognized, and that in the worst case, can frustrate our relationships after having that emptiness , that gap before whom we love in silence and who never became interested in us.

How to survive unrequited love

How to survive this sensation? There are cases in which an unrequited love can turn into a real obsession, and that would undoubtedly be something we should avoid at all times. Life is moving forward , is to assume failures to learn from them and keep walking with more poise, with completeness.A window that closes is a door that will open in the future for us.Because do not hesitate, love is an adventure that is always worthwhile.

But let's see today in Science Daily Online in which way we can face an unrequited love.

1.Just stay with the doubt, face uncertainty

It may surprise you, but there are many people who have never taken a first step , to risk getting an answer to that question about whether they could have some opportunity or not.There are those who love that friend or that friend for years in secret, suffering in secret the unspeakable.

In life you have to take risks, and even if there is a possibility that we get a «NO» is something that we will have to assume and that in turn, will help us to keep moving forward, because the worst thing is not knowing, feeding today a hope and tomorrow a lament.

How to survive unrequited love

Now, there is something we also have to protect ourselves from: people with changing feelings .There are personalities who usually play with the feelings of others, today they give rise to think that something can happen and tomorrow reject us.Be prudent and protect yourself from this kind of profiles.

2.Retrieve the link with yourself

Unrequited love forces us to spend a more or less long time with the gaze and emotions placed on another person.We live in secret for him or her, attending to their looks, their gestures, deciphering their words in search of a clue that alludes between our illusion…

Living in this way can become exhausting physically and intellectually.You will stop performing at work, in studies, many even stop relating as they should with yours to close more and more doors to the world.We have to be very cautious.

How to survive unrequited love

The best thing is to get a clear answer.Are there possibilities? Then go ahead.Have you been given a no answer? Are there clear indications that this relationship is not going to happen? Then we must assume it and resume that link with ourselves, all the emotional effort that you have dedicated to the other person, offer it to you now.Take care of your self-esteem, play sports, develop a hobby , have an illusion every morning when you get up where you are the real protagonist.

3.Unrequited love is not replaced by any love where to forget

Don't do it.Never try to forget a love not reciprocated with a superficial relationship with the first person you meet.You may cause a lot of damage to that couple you are using to forget, because false emotions are recognized, because the thoughts that are directed at others are intuited.

Avoid harming others and avoid doing it yourself .Give yourself time.Leave a space where you can resume your life being yourself, heal the wounds of your heart to offer it well recovered to whom to see deserve it.

How to survive unrequited love

Do not be afraid of love just because someone has not wanted to recognize what you are worth.Sometimes love has no explanation, it is a chemistry cluster and of coincidences that do not attend to formulas or explanations.Do not become obsessed with the «and why do not you love me? Won't I be good enough? »Don't fall for that mistake, because the important thing is that you know how much you're worth.

In the end, chance, or thread red of destiny or your own charisma, will make you find the right person.That one that fits with all your emptiness, that which makes your life easier and that excites you every morning.


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