"He has been reborn", we have all said or heard this phrase, in a totally figurative way, when someone escapes from a fatal destiny...Only this time it is not, to nothing, figuratively, if not rather, totally literal.A baby is really born twice from the womb of his mother.Do you want to know the details of this amazing story?
Is it possible to be born twice? This baby's health did not leave him another option
As incredible as it may seem the truth is that if, it is possible to be born twice , and Lynlee, The baby from Texas (USA) is living proof that advances in medicine and technology, within our reach today, work miracles, since with proper follow-up during pregnancy allows us to detect possible congenital malformations and other pathologies even before birth allowing, in some cases, even that they are corrected during the gestation period.As is the case with this baby.
In this way Lynlee's mother, during week 16 of pregnancy, during a routine check discovered that her baby had a sacrococcigeous teratoma, a tumor mass that develops at the base of the tail of the fetus and can give rise to to a neoplasm, a mass of tissues that grows excessively with respect to other tissues of the body.That is why doctors propose to the mother prenatal surgery, that is, to perform a surgical intervention on the fetus to treat the tumor.News! You go to a control to see your baby and they tell you something like that.
The doctors informed the mother of the complexity of the operation and that in the current state Lynlee had only 50% chance of being born alive, since the tumor was almost as large as Lynlee herself who struggled to survive.So the mother decided to let the doctors help her daughter .week 23 the doctors intervened Lynlee when he only weighed a little more than half a kilo, practicing a cesarean section to the mother to reach the fetus and free him from the tumor that was killing him. Once removed, they put Lynlee back into the uterus and closed it so the baby could complete its development.
At the end of the operation the doctors prescribed the mother an absolute rest during the rest of the pregnancy to avoid other complications.mother followed to the letter, almost carrying out the pregnancy that culminated in the birth of Lynlee by Caesarea on June 6, perfectly healthy, with a weight slightly below average, just over two and a half kilos. A miracle of science .
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Image: Malavoda, DAVID Swift.
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