You were on your way to the kitchen of your home determined to do something, but suddenly when you are right in the place where I was going you have no idea what the mission you had proposed was.Do not you hate when this happens ? Some of the symptoms of short-term bad memory can be caused by: worries, distractions, lack of concentration, and even because the memory muscle has weakened , and of course, also by age.Here are some tips to improve your short-term memory!
How to improve your short-term memory?
Meditation has a lot of benefits for the human mind, also for short-term memory because by doing so regularly, it helps improve the ability to concentrate, remember what has been learned and even pass the tests.
Some studies Harvard Medical School revealed that people who meditate have more control over the alpha rhythm, which is nothing more than a brain wave that filters daily distractions, allowing more important things to be processed and they stay in the brain.Meditation also significantly increases blood flow to the brain and multiplies the storage mechanisms, ensuring that the brain cons erve the ability to store new memories now, and as you get older.
Chewing gum while you learn
Studies confirm that chewing gum while learning allows times of more precise and improved reaction.And, although the reasons are not yet known precisely, doing so increases activity in the hippocampus, which is an important area of the brain for memory.
Move your eyes from side to side
Even if it sounds crazy, this lateral action can help stimulate memory.Horizontal eye movements are said to help activate and link the two cerebral hemispheres.
One study found that participants who moved their eyes back and forth for 30 seconds each morning performed their memory tasks better by an average of 10%.
Tighten the cuffs
Usually, something we do under stress or when we are angry, squeezing the puno while trying to retain something in the memory improves the chances that, in fact, you can remember it, because it is said that the fact of pinching activates the brain regions related to memory retention.
There is research that claims that scribbling can help people stay focused, capture new concepts and retain information.
So you know, don't be afraid to do some drawings or forms, if you see that your attention is being lost or your mind is somewhat blocked.
There you have them, put them into practice and improve your short-term memory! What did you think of this article? Don't stop telling us!
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